Zigate (wifi ) and ZHA integration


I came from Domoticz and got very enthusiastic about Home assistant. In Domoticz the zigate plugin worked like a charm with a very active group developers and testers.

But Domoticz wasn’t keeping up with HA, so I decided to switch. Now I am facing alot problems with implementing my Zigate Wifi.

The wifi Zigate with fw 3.1e is recognised by the ZHA integration. I also have some routers and endpoints connected to the Zigate. They react as expected. But after a while the Zigate loses connection with the integration. After a reload of the integration the Zigate is sending messages to my devices again and I can control my devices.

Is there some kind of setting with pinging the ip to keep the Zigate alive.

Next tot that I have alot log warnings in my log concerning the Zigate and the Zigpy-zigate integration. As I see the Zigpy-zigate git has not been updated for some time. The last de fw updates of the Zigate are not yet supported by the implementation.

I hope someone can help!

Have you given the Zigate a static IP address in your router?

Yes, it has a static IP adres.

I just flashed fw 3.1d, it seems to be the latest Zigpy-zigate is supporting. Let’s see what happens.

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When using Zigate in combination with ZHA I recommend the 3.1d fw for the Zigate. It pairs the devices flawlessly en the connection seems to be stable in combination with the Zigate Wifi.