Zigbee and MQTT - setup and (un)supported devices


I’m sorry for a probably stupid question, because I’m a total newbie in HA. I studied how Zigbee network works and it seems to fulfill my needs. I don’t want something controlled over a cloud. Instead I want something, which operates locally.

I guess the sue of the flashed CC2531 could be the right solution for me. And this should serve as the coordinator. Or is there a better choice for a device, that should work as a coordinator? I plan to use a NUC type mini PC with Ubuntu Linux, if it matters.

The next question is, if only those devices listed on the https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/ webpage work, or if others might work too, but it is not guaranteed. For example I would like to use this dimmer: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001499921065.html. What are the chances it will work?

Thank you!

I believe zigbee2mqtt’s documentation has the answers to your questions.

Here’s a list of supported adapters and their relative advantages.

If the device you wish to use is not listed in supported devices, there’s a section for how to support new devices.

Thank you. This is what I wanted to know. I somehow overlooked these sections in the documentation.