Zigbee CC2531 Setup

Does anyone have a good tutorial on setting a Zigbee CC2531 up on a PI/Hassio please or advice?

Have you checked out Zigbee2mqtt? They have a lot of documentation that walks you through flashing and setting up a cc2531. It also has an HA add-on along with guides on setting it up and getting it working with the cc2531 here

Found what looks to be a good tutorial on setting up Zigbee2mqtt on HA. I can’t vouch for it yet as I’m still waiting for my CC2531 to arrive, but it looks pretty straight forward.

The above links should serve you well.

Also I’d totally recommend by an unflashed stick and flashing it yourself. It’s really simple.

You download a file, download the flash software and flash the stick. You could then make multiple/update your stick as required

Thanks people, ordered and received the CC2531 stick but dont have the cable or CC Debugger. Are there other options to flash the firmware? I see some threads show connecting it to the PI with 4 manual cables?

On the Zigbee2MQTT website there is also a list of alternative flashing methods if you want to try one of those out.