Zigbee Controller Suggestions Please

Hi all,

My primary smart network is Zwave which I have been using for a few years but I have started to introduce some zigbee devices. Up until now I have done this by using the Lidl Zigbee hub which is connected to the Tuya Smart Life App hen using Tuya cloud integration into Home Assistant.

This has worked well but recently purchase a Door/Window sensor from Aeotec that includes Vibration and Temperature sensing however the Tuya app does not report this only if the Door/Window is open or closed.

Upon speaking to Aeotec they tell me its Tuya that is the problem and they aren’t fully supporting the device so I thought perhaps its time to add Zigbee directly to Home Assistant like I do with Zwave.

So I am here to ask for suggestions as to which controller I should consider. I want to keep it as cheap as possible as Zigbee is only a side network for me but at the same time I want it to be relatively stable and not complicated to setup (ideally plug and play like my Aeotech Z-stick 7.

My setup as it stands:

Home Assistant Blue running latest version of HASS
Aeotec Z-Stick 7

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

We use a Conbee2 via HZA and have absolutely no complaints with it, it was auto discovered by HA on plugging it in and has worked perfectly from day 1 with no issues at all.

The Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 dongle is a solid and affordable option that you plug directly into a RPi. You can Google for reviews, including digiblurDIY’s recent YouTube on the updated version (I gather they had to change the Zigbee chip because of supply chain issues).

I use it with Zigbee2MQTT, but it should also work with ZHA. (You will have to decide which integration you prefer and check that the supported hardware and devices meet your requirements).

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I very recently installed the Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 Z-Wave Hub Z-Wave.
Running the Z-Wave JS to MQTT add-on, and it worked right out of the box.

Thanks for your reply but just wanted to highlight that I am looking at Zigbee and not Z-Wave as I already have Z-wave network (using Aeotec Z-Stick 7) just to prevent any confusion from others looking at this topic.

Thank you @krizkontrolz and @rossk for your replies.

I think I am going to go Sonoff as looking at both the Sonoff looks like it has newer updated hardware albiet does seem a little fiddlier to setup due to needing firmware upgrade (although I have found a seller that claims to pre-flash to latest). As a new purchase (rather an considering an upgrade) it seems worth it to go that route.

As for the integration. Been doing some reading this morning and Z2M seems like the better option for compatibility however there are a few people that say it can go wrong quite often and is fiddly whereas ZHA less compatibility but just works. Still a little stuck on this one.

Eqiupment wise I currently have:

2x Hue Bulbs (looking to get some more of these)
1x Mains plug (can’t remember brand and not at home)
1x Blind motor (can’t remember brand)
1x Aeotec Door/Window sensor with vibration and temp sensors
2x Aqara Door/Window sensors

I also have a Smartthings Motion sensor from years ago that I never used but this does not work at all with my currently Lidl hub. Perhaps might work with this?

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As for ZHA vs Z2M I can really add much to that decision other than to say I use ZHA and have never had any issues with any device pairing, setup and or function at all, no matter what brand or device I have thrown at it!

I can say the same with Z2M, with the extra benefit of no zigbee downtime each time you restart your HA.

Oops. Too many Z’s around here.
I am using the Sonoff Zigbee Dongle and Z2M.

I’ve used both. I keep both installed and active.

Z2M has never gone wrong here.

I use z2m exclusively, but still test any new device under both.

My advice is to buy two dongles and try both ZHA and z2m side by side with your devices.

After you decide what to use, the extra dongle can always be re-flashed as a router if you don’t want to keep both around.