Hi all,
My HA / Odroid N2+ / zzh! (50 devices - Lidl / Ikea / Philips / Sonoff) + ESPHome + TP-Link setup has been working pretty stably for a while now with just a few glitches that I feel are more ESPHome / WiFi based than HA itself.
And it was whilst trying to upload some new code to an ESP8266 that I ended up in a right mess around lunchtime and I’m still not back 100% yet. ;-(
I think what could have happened (if such a thing is possible) is that I attempted to upload some ESPHome / ESP8266 code to the Zigbee coordinator (port) by mistake (USB connection / Linux terminology and a PC that was running very sluggishly at that moment) and that screwed up the coordinator? I had to re-flash it with the TI Windows program and then re-pair all the devices (all but an Ikea LED Tradfri lamp and a remote) which don’t seem to want to play again but were working fine last night)?
All the other things seemed to pick up their original names so I didn’t have to re-assign all the ID’s in the automations at least. (Then the whole Automation area disappeared and I had to edit the .yaml manually to get it back again … I think it was Blueprint that got messed up). ;-(
So, not wanting to be in that sort of position again, where are we re ‘duplicating’ coordinators so that in the even of one failing or getting screwed up, it can be swapped out quickly and everything just work please?
FWIW I do have two zzh!'s and I saw mention of backing up the non-volatile memory but I wasn’t sure if that would have been a good idea after the crash and not sure I’d know how to do so in any case. ;-(
Cheers, T i m