ZIgbee device unavailable in HA Overview but fully working in Zigbee2mqtt

Hi everyone,

I have a window Schneider Electrics shutter controller connected to my Home Assistant with Zigbee. The device works fine under the Zigbee2mqtt tab, where it appears online and I can operate it from the Zigbee2mqtt dashboard. However, in the Home Assistant Overview it always appears as unavailable.

I verified availability is set to true both in the zigbee2mqtt configuration.yaml and device.yaml
I am using zigbee2mqtt 1.22.2-1 with Home Assistant core-2021.12.9 on a Raspberry Pi

Is there some other point I am missing to make it available in the HA Overview?


Go to the Configuration menu, Devices and Services, click on the devices link in the MQTT integration.

Is it in there?

If so click on the device and it will tell you what is exposed to HA, and you can also look at the MQTT traffic received.

If not - try removing in zigbee2mqtt and re-pairing.

Thank you zoogara.
I removed and reinstalled zigbee2mqtt and it solved my issue.