I’ve got a curious problem but I’m not sure whether it’s working by design or not. I’m running ZHA with a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Dongle and I have added an Ikea Tradfri bulb and a 5 button remote. I have also bound the remote to the bulb so that it isn’t reliant on HA. I can control the bulb perfectly fine with both the remote and with HA, however when I use the remote HA doesn’t reflect the status change for anywhere up to 20 minutes. I’d hope that as the bulb is permanently powered it wouldn’t be limiting the amount of status updates but maybe I’ve missed some configuration somewhere. Has anyone come across this before?
Not by design as far as I know, so if you have already updated to the latest Zigbee Coordinator firmware on the ITead Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Dongle and also updated to the latest firmware on both the IKEA lightbulb as well as the latest firmware on the IKEA remote then suggest reporting it as a potential bug to ZHA devs via Home Assistant core issues → https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues
Obviously, delays also can be caused by interference or a weak Zigbee network mesh so should always regardless be sure to follow all tips regarding interference and having many of Zigbee Router devices:
Zigbee signals are weak so reply on a strong Zigbee network mesh (meaning many Zigbee Router devices) and are very sensitive to RMF/EMI/RMI interference so it makes it much easier to troubleshoot and find the real root cause if have already optimized your setup and environment to work around that.
@Hedda thanks for your reply, it’s really strange. I’ve done a bit more digging and found that the remote button press comes through immediately as a zha_event but the bulb comes through as a status_change event, after seemingly being picked up by a scheduled polling cycle of the zigbee devices.
Edit: Actually at this point I’m not sure if it is a bug so won’t raise it via github. I’ll continue digging.
With Zigbee, if you create a binding you also need to configure reporting on the target device (your bulb in this case). This way, it will send a message to the coordinator that it was turned on/off via a bound device (your remote).
I’m not familiar with ZHA, with z2m such reporting will be set up automatically when binding, but it might be worthwhile to check and see if ZHA does so too (or if it’s possible to turn it on after the fact).
I did log it on github in the end and a simple reconfiguration of the bulb fixed the issue.