Zigbee for home assistant


I’m trying to add Zigbee compatibility to the Hass.io (not Home Assistant) using a Zigbee USB stick. I bought a dresden-elektronik ConBee USB stick but the configuration is driving me crazy.

There is any Zigbee USB stick that can I add using a component in configuration.yaml?

Thanks a lot

This won’t work for you? I have personally gone the Zigbee2MQTT CC2531 route and am very happy with it. But if you are invested in this already I’d say don’t give up.

Did you install the deconz hassio addon? Does it give errors?

The CC2531 USB stick need the deCONZ running? Thanks

No the ConBee USB stick does.
The CC2531 USB stick needs something like zigbee2mqtt

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I found 2 different addon for deCONZ:


Unfortunately I can not understand the differences. which would you recommend me?

Thank a lot

This one. It’s the most up to date. And most people here use it I think. I use it too.

You might be misunderstanding how the zigbee stuff works.

You don’t add zigbee devices in configuration.yaml (same is true for z-wave also). You go to the developer tools and call zha.permit and then press a button on the device you want to add (or turn it on, insert battery, etc. - whatever the manufacturer instructions say).

After a few seconds a new device will show up in your entities list. Then you can use the device.

First put this in your configuration.yaml:

  usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB2
  database_path: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/zigbee.db

replace the usb_path and database_path with whatever is appropriate for you, then restart. Then,

To add new devices to the network, call the permit service on the zha domain. Do this by clicking the Service icon in Developer tools and typing zha.permit in the Service dropdown box. Next, follow the device instructions for adding, scanning or factory reset.

for europe: bitron video (magenta smarthome), ZHA