I am a happy zha integration user but just recently I reached the 55+ device mark and things are starting to get “flaky” – just like issues I had with z-wave on my previous HomeSeer setup. Things were rock solid until just recently and the only things that have changed are that I’ve been migrating more devices from HS to HA, all zigbee.
I look at the “visualization” and it’s quite a mesh, so I’m curious if there’s a way to “re-establish” neighbor links, i.e. peers, with a specific device? I read through the docs and it seems like I should have been adding devices closer to their final locations vs. right next to the radio.
I’m hoping it’s not “remove the device by calling zha.remove and then re-add the device” but I can do that if needed for devices that are “flaky”.
When I say flaky I mean that the some random devices miss commands from the automations controlling them. In other words, sometimes a light stays on or off when an automation has clearly requested otherwise.
Some other notes about my setup:
- I have several hard wired “routers” spread throughout the house
- I use a lot of Moes quad button remote controls (battery powered but very reliable)
- The brands I use are typically Sonoff, Aqara, Leviton, GE/Jasco, INNR, and Sengled.
Thanks in advance, and if it’s important I’m using the Nortek dual z-wave/zigbee controller. Here’s the zha data from it:
**PAN ID:** AAF1
**Extended PAN ID:** <hex code>
**Channel:** 15
**Coordinator IEEE:** <hex code>
**Network key:** <hex code>
**Radio type:** ezsp
Unfortunately I am unable to copy any text out of the terminal plugin so I can’t copy the tty serial ID here.
I also just added this to my configuration.yaml file to try and get additional log data:
# zigbee logging entries
# https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha
zigpy: debug
zigpy_deconz.zigbee.application: debug
zigpy_deconz.api: debug
zigpy_xbee.zigbee.application: debug
zigpy_xbee.api: debug
zigpy_zigate: debug
zigpy_znp: debug
zhaquirks: debug