Hi All!
What is the problem
As I added more devices to the network (around 20) i noticed that some of the smart switches (A1Z nous) stopped responding. Usually restart of service helps. I was checking the logs and I have found following things:
Home assistant logs
Rejestrator: homeassistant.helpers.template
Źródło: helpers/template.py:809
Pierwsze zdarzenie: 08:55:17 (8 zdarzenia)
Ostatnio zalogowany: 08:55:17
Error parsing value: 'value_json' is undefined (value: , template: {{ value_json.power_outage_memory }})
Error parsing value: 'value_json' is undefined (value: , template: {{ value_json['update']['latest_version'] }})
Error parsing value: 'value_json' is undefined (value: , template: {{ value_json.indicator_mode }})
Error parsing value: 'value_json' is undefined (value: , template: {{ value_json.countdown }})
Error parsing value: 'value_json' is undefined (value: , template: {{ value_json['update']['installed_version'] }})
Rejestrator: homeassistant.components.mqtt.entity
Źródło: components/mqtt/entity.py:432
integracja: MQTT (dokumentacja, Problemy)
Pierwsze zdarzenie: 08:55:17 (1 zdarzenia)
Ostatnio zalogowany: 08:55:17
Erroneous JSON:
Zigbee2mqtt logs with unexpected data packet:
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: <-- DATA (3,3,0): 3368a1a9372a15b25994eafe7e
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: Unexpected DATA packet sequence 3 | 4: reject condition
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: --> [a4149e7e]
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: <-- DATA (3,3,0): 3368a1a9372a15b25994eafe7e
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: Unexpected DATA packet sequence 3 | 4: reject condition
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: -+- waiting (3) success
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:cast: MulticastTableEntry[10] = EmberMulticastTableEntry: {"multicastId":0,"endpoint":0,"networkIndex":0}
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:ezsp: ==> getMulticastTableEntry: {"index":11}
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:ezsp: ==> {"_cls_":"getMulticastTableEntry","_id_":99,"_isRequest_":true,"index":11}
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: --> DATA (3,4,0): 2b000163000b
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: --> [346921a9372a1e9f7c7e]
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: -?- waiting (4)
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: <-- [4469a1a9372a15b25994c2a67e]
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: <-- DATA (4,4,0): 4469a1a9372a15b25994c2a67e
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: --> ACK (5)
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: --> [8520dd7e]
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:uart: <-- ACK (4): 4469a1a9372a15b25994c2a67e
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:ezsp: <== Frame: 2b8001630000000000
[2024-12-24 09:17:37] e[34mdebuge[39m: zh:ezsp:ezsp: <== 0x63: {"_cls_":"getMulticastTableEntry","_id_":99,"_isRequest_":false,"value":{"multicastId":0,"endpoint":0,"networkIndex":0}}
I removed from the network most problematic switch that literally was flooding information about this state each second. Yet if I add new switch to the network I might lost control of some (random) other switches. What does it mean? That I cannot change it state. I click in UI and nothing changes or quickly returns to the previous states. In logs there’s either no request to MQTT at all or request with the same value (state: off) not changing at all.
What is installed
SLZB-06M with
Core firmware version: v2.6.8.dev25 (I moved from 2.3.6 where the problem was the same) and zigbee firmware revision: 20241127
Zigbee2Mqtt: 1.42.0-2
Mosquitto broker: 6.4.1