Zigbee2Mqtt - Adding Cover Groups to HA

Hi Guys,
Im strugging to get my Zigbee2Mqtt cover group set up and working in HA. The blinds all work fine by themselves, I just want to control some as a set.

In Zigbee2Mqtt i’ve created a group called “Kitchen_Blinds” containing 2 Blinds.
Then in HA i’ve added the below config, added the control, and when I press open or close the correct command goes through to “zigbee2mqtt/Kitchen_Blinds” but nothing happens.

What am I missing here?

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Kitchen Blinds
    command_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Kitchen_Blinds/set"
    state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/Kitchen_Blinds"
    position_template: "{{ value_json.position }}"
    set_position_template: '{ "position": {{ position }} }'

I have the same problem here.
Did you find the solution?

No sorry, I gave up and made the group in the Alexa app as well as a couple of scenes in HA as I need to keep the wife happy.

I would like to get it to work because I think it would make the blinds all move at the same time (looks cool) instead one commands going out 1 by 1 from amazon servers and I try to run everything local.
I did ask on Zigbee2Mqtt Discord, but didn’t get any help there.