I have tried so far following the regular (npm) setup instructions; it would start, but nothing happened. Then I tried the docker way, which I am currently already (successfully) running with a CC2531 coordinator. I changed the device path to the CC1352P-2path in my docker-compose.yaml, trying either of the paths above (only difference is if00 changes to if03!). Neither would work. It would not even output any mqtt messages.
Have asked in the zigbee2mqtt discord, but not gotten any help yet. Do any of you know how to set this up? I was so looking forward to using this single coordinator without my countless CC2530 repeaters, because it does support >100 devices, and has better range. It wasn’t as cheap as the CC2531 / CC2530 devices, so I am kinda stressing right now as I cannot get it to work.
If you go to the site in chrome it will offer you to translate the page.
I use the hass.io add-on and the if00 path works for me.
For the other methods I read that port: null would auto-detect the coordinator
UPDATE I did create a device running hass.io and it still won’t work. At least it does recognize the coordinator (so I assume flashing the zigbee 3.0 firmware was a success), but soon after it will crash, not allowing any pairing nor controlling devices…
Thank you @nanobra1n
Unfortunately, I don’t use hass.io (because Home Assistant runs on my server and there is more than just Home Assistant on there), so I cannot try this.
I re-flashed the device this morning, but still cannot get it to work. It starts zigbee-herdsman, displays its settings, then nothing happens for quite a while, then it crashes.