Zigbee2Mqtt: "Device left network" after successful interview

I´m experiencing a deterioration of my zigbee network.
All of a sudden some device drop of, a rejoin attempt is briefly successful but after some seconds i get the message “device xxx left the network”. The logfile does not give deeper info :frowning:

Do you have some advice for me?

The devices are mostly tuya sensors (Motion 809WZT, Temp 809WZT & IH-K009 and some reflashed Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC-z). I know Tuya is not perfect but i had them running without a problem over a year.
What did i change in recent time? I moved from a Sonoff E Stick to a SLZB-06M ethernet coordinator. Both have the same chip running ember driver so the switch with transferred IEEE adress went smooth, or so it seemed.
Shortly afterwards Zigbee2MQTT got the v2 update, also without problem for me.

I tried different channels and taking all routers off power for some time. The situation did not improve.
Is there a way to troubleshoot to get more info for fixing?
As last resort i might have to go back to the sonoff stick or even reset my whole zigbee network (50 devices).

I am experiencing this same issue right now with my Aqara motion sensors. I have no idea what is going on.

I just switched back from SLZB-06M back to sonoff dongle and everything is back to normal…

Similar issues here. After suffering zigbee reliability (constantly dropping out) with the SkyConnect and ZHA, I’m now trying the SLZB-06 Z2M ethernet combo. I was initially thrilled as it appeared zigbee was finally reliable… for about a week or two. Now (unsure if it is upgrade related - there has been a few) I how have a half dozen drop outs that will not reconnect or be deleated and reinstalled. I’m obviously new to Z2M so I don’t know many “tricks” but this sucks. Did I get sucker in with the SLZB-06 hype or did someone break it???