I’m using zigbee2mqtt addon and it works fine. But when I restarting hassio using power plug of raspberry pi (i.e. physically) or using special button in the interface, the zigbee2mqtt addon does not restart.
For example, logs in this addon does not clear after the restart of the hassio. And all device Aqara Temperature/Humidity/Pressure sensor gives “unknown” values. But the Aqara bulb working fine and Xiaomi button too.
And if I restart zigbee2mqtt addon manually, the Aqara Temperature Sensor starts working again.
How I can force zigbee2mqtt to restart if I restart the hassio?
Also I have noticed that when I push the button on Aqara Sensor, it starts working and showing the measures in hassio. Maybe it’s a feature?
MQTT works fine. Maybe zigbee2mqtt does not send some packet of initialization? But should zigbee2mqtt addon restart with the restart of the homeassistant? Looks like it’s not restarting.
I don’t know how, but it’s not restarting even when I cut the power of the raspberripi. I can see that logs of this addon are cleared only after I restart zigbee2mqtt addon manually.
Also want to emphasize that the problem appear only with the Aqara temperature sensor. Other sensors: xiaomi wireless button, aqara light bulb and aqara door sersor works fine after the reboot of homeassistant.