Zigbee2mqtt Error while opening socket

I purchased a SLZB-06 a few weeks back to install in a new HA instace. Im currently running ZHA with a Sonoff 3.0 USB dongle without issue since day 1.

As I have a new dongle / HA I wanted to install and run z2m but fails to start. I have searched everywhere for an answer and cannot get z2m to run.

I have attempted the process, 2x on fresh HA installations - starting with Mosquitto Broker, then zigbee2mqtt

error when starting:

Error while starting zigbee-herdsman
Failed to start zigbee-herdsman
Error: Error while opening socket

SLZB-6 config

Zigbee coordinator
Firmware: 20240710

I have tried to reflash with older versions but then get other errors i.e. read ECONNRESET
I just cannot figure it out, and almost at a point of sending the device back.

just managed to resolve it, I powered it back up while holding the power button (released after LEDs started flashing). I was given a new IP address from my switch on DHCP (which I think could of been the issue) - the original IP from my switch was fixed outside of the DHCP scope table (idk, maybe) - but it works after struggling for a month!