New here so I hope this isn’t solved already, but I can’t really find how to solve this!
I’ve installed recently HA on my PI3 and followed the common installation steps for the Conbee II so I got my bulbs and remote working with ZHA automatically.
Then I learnt that Z2M could be a better solution in the long term, so before starting pairing more stuff I decided to move.
Everything looks fine, I see in logs Z2M connects fine with Mosquitto and I also can load the UI from Z3M, but even if I turn on permanently the “permit join” I can’t find the bulbs or the remote.
The Pi is in the exact same room as the bulbs (the remote it’s like 10cm away from it actually) any idea of what could be the issue?
I’m really excited to join this path, but I’m starting to feel it’s a bit too time-consuming and I have so many cool projects in my head! LOL
There is nothing else to do sorry.
Enable joint on zigbee2mqtt and reset bulb (or something else) should be enough.
I got a temp sensor i had to joint + & - (without batterie) to reset it but i think it is a spécial case.
I’m using Ikea bulbs and remote but didn’t see anything like that in the documentation of the devices… Why could it be so difficult with Z2M when ZHA was so straightforward?
Did you try turning on debug logging in Z2M to see if you have any errors either when Z2M is starting or when trying to pair? Do you have any other devices you can try first to build up your mesh before these?
Yes, I did, but it shows literally nothing while trying to pair a new device…
I have others but because are remote controls I didn’t want to pair them until I get my bulbs… What really puzzles me is that it was no effort to pair with ZHA… so I must be missing some config or something
Worth to say that I have both Mosquitto and Z2M installed as addons on my Raspberry
Make sure that any other Zigbee networks/hubs are powered down. When you e.g. want to pair an IKEA bulb which was first paired to the IKEA gateway make sure to power down the IKEA gateway. If that doesn’t help also try powering down all devices that are connected to the IKEA hub.
If Zigbee2MQTT fails to start, try adding the following to your configuration.yaml
adapter: deconz
I think you have not good settings in the conbee firmware.u should try reflash it (to reset it) to start a real clean install.
Some settings as thé network Key, network Channel…should stay in thé key.
Yeah I saw that FAQ and the only thing I couldn’t try is to use an extension cable as I don’t have one yet (arriving on Wednesday), but I don’t think that’s the issue as the remote was literally touching the conbee.
I deleted the whole home assistant and started from scratch again but nothing changed… When I connected the conbee I just click on ignore in the proposed integration as I understand that’s only for ZHA right?
If you mean to factory reset conbee dongle itself, how can I do that?