I am having an issue with with some of my zigbee bulbs not reporting the state (on,off) to zigbee2mqtt therefore not showing up at the correct state on my lovelace. I just switched over to zigbee2mqtt from ZHA and never had this issue with ZHA. The issue seems to occur more often if the lights are controlled by something other than the love lace dashboard. So in other words if I use Google or Alexa which are connected to Nabu Casa or if the switch on the wall is used to turn the lights on, the lights will show as still off in home assistant and also on the zigbee2mqtt web UI dashboard. Is there something in the configurations that maybe I need to add or is this a know issue? I’m using a Conbee II for my zigbee USB.
Maybe try a “reconfigure” in the Zigbee2MQTT admin UI for the devices in question to see if that helps? It might if they never report their status back. (I’m not sure if Home Assistant does extra magic to make this happen even if the devices don’t if you manipulate the device from Home Assistant itself, but if so, that might explain the difference.)
If they were cut of from electricity, it might take a while until they reconnect to the mesh.
Hi Blake13h, try this:
Go to: configuration>add ons>Zigbee2mqtt>open web ui and click on the “friendly name” of the device. The click “Reporting” on the bar directly below the friendly name. Adjust the Max Rep Interval to 30 and click apply.
This worked for me for my Enbrighten / Jasco switch.
Note: you may also have to add the following:
go to configuration>add ons>Zigbee2mqtt>Configuration Then add a line with “reporting: true” without the quotes. Save the file at the bottom and restart the add-on.
The click “Reporting” on the bar directly below the friendly name. Adjust the Max Rep Interval to 30 and click apply.
Hi. Will this work if the power is turned off via a dumb wall switch?? The default for Max Rep Interval
is 3600. So setting to 30 will scan at 30 seconds interval??