Zigbee2mqtt water leak sensors not working

I have three water leak sensors (2 sonoff, 1 aqara) but all three only show the battery and not the other sensors. They all worked perfectly fine with ZHA and are mentioned in the supported devices of Z2M.
I have no idea where to start searching. I hope one of you does <3

I have activated “Home Assistant legacy action sensors” but that did not change anything.
Currently i am running:

  • Core 2025.1.4
  • Supervisor 2024.12.3
  • Operating System 14.2
  • Frontend 20250109.2



It should work completely fine. I have Aqara water sensor SJCGQ11LM and they do give me these:

and I can see this in the state tab in Zigbee2MQTT:

“battery”: 100,
“battery_low”: false,
“device_temperature”: 23,
“linkquality”: 132,
“power_outage_count”: 9,
“tamper”: false,
“trigger_count”: 0,
“voltage”: 3005,
“water_leak”: false

One thing you can do is maybe completely forget / delete the entity and re-join. Maybe something went wrong in the joining process…

try triggering the sensor by holding your finger across the contact points. It should update.

good one! or just put them in the sink with a minimal level of water.

strange. i did comlpletely rebind it but with no success.

Rebinding with the yellow button in the overview does not work for some reason :frowning: