hope that we get here to the answer which help not only me, but also to other new users.
I write here about specific case, but I thing the answers could help in more similar cases.
I paired new device with MQTT and it was not supported. I looked into the documentaion
and there is suggestion, before doing something, check the changelog.
OK. I did it and found my device there.
First I want to say - thanks a log guys! I hope I learn it and I will be able also support the community.
My question are related to such case, because I am still a bit lost.
I found that the change was merged. In this case it was to version [18.31.0], done on 2024-02-11)
When I look on my MQTT version (I updated to the latest one today), so I see that
this change was probably done in zigbee_herdsman_converters, which is part of MQTT.
This convertes has in latest MQTT version 18.23.3.
Sorry if my questions are a bit naive… maybe you can suggest me what I should
So the questions are:
Should I simply wait for new version of Zigbee2MQTT and the zigbee_herdsman_converters will be there?
Or - where I could find when the version merged (2024-02-11) might become a part of MQTT ? How do I find such information? -
Can I somehow do it myself and put the new version of zigbee_herdsman_converters to my MQTT, or temporary insert the configuration of new device into my curent version?
Thanks a lot.