Zigbee2Mqtt will not work - Beginner

Hi everyone,

I’m a complete beginner with Home Assistant, Zigbee, and related topics, so I’d really appreciate your help.

I’ve been trying to get Zigbee2MQTT running on Home Assistant, but every time I try to open Zigbee2MQTT, I get an error saying it hasn’t started. When I check the logs of the add-on, I see the errors shown in the attached image.

After some research, I found that issues with version 2.0 are quite common, and I tried editing the configuration.yaml file to adjust the serial settings. Unfortunately, this hasn’t fixed the problem.
What I’ve Tried:

  1. Adjusting the serial settings in configuration.yaml.
  2. Restarting the add-on and Home Assistant multiple times.
  3. Ensuring the Zigbee stick is properly connected.

Does anyone have any advice or tips to get this working? Any guidance for a beginner would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

You didn’t enable the ZHA integration did you?

Now I feel dumb… I read it 5 times and thought I had checked it 5 times… Guess I didn’t understand it properly.

It’s working now!
Thank you!

So did i? Maybe, Maybe not xD

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