Zigbee2MQTT → ZHA quirks?


Looking at the well known Database of Zigbee devices, I noticed that there are quite some devices that are supported by Zigbee2MQTT, but not by ZHA. Suppose I have such a device, is there any chance that I could get it working with ZHA, by creating a ZHA quirk myself? Could I use Zigbee2MQTT code as inspiration for that? Has someone done that before? Where would I need to start?

I hope that someone can give me some pointers in the right direction. I’ll be happy with partial answers too!

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The database is not always complete, so also ask around here if a device is supported. There may also be a custom quirk around.

@Edwin_D Thanks for the super fast reply! I’ll ask around…

IMHO, if you do mooch the knowledge/code from Zigbee2MQTT, do give credit to the folks that did the work at minimum. Better still, contribute some coin to support the developer doing the work at Zigbee2MQTT.

There’s a primer for creating your own quirks here: