My wife and son are away for a week, so I what I did is add a new zone based on their current location. I can see both of them on the map at the location of the zone - the zone is pretty huge to cover the whole town, but my wife’s status indicates that she is in the zone, but for my son, he is still marked as “Away”. I have two device trackers configured for both of them, one being whether they are on the WiFi as well as the device tracker from the HA app which would include the GPS location of their phones. As I had mentioned, I can see both of them on the map which indicates that on his phone, the app is reporting his location correctly.
Any ideas why HA would report my son as “Away” and not within the zone that my wife is at?
Just to add, I had to restart home assistant as I had set up a proximity sensor. After restart, my son’s status changed to the zone that he is in as well. Rather odd that this did not happen when I added the zone.
Any ideas are welcome as to why the change didn’t kick in immediately.
I deleted the zone and their status didn’t change at all either.
Likely the same problem here: GPS location is clearly reporting another address - far from home zone - but HA still keeps telling me, that the device is “home”. It worked fine the last couple of years.
device_tracker.smartphonegf stays home, while sensor.smartphonegf_geocoded_location is at another address (as I said, far away from home). Is this a bug in the companion app?
Honestly, a couple of days (maybe 3 weeks or something) it just started to work again as expected - no updates on the phone nor HA. It somehow felt like an Google Issue (local - not globally). In the meantime I switch from Android to iOS and have also no problem.
Hey guys, I had the same problem and this is what fixed it for me:
Sign out from all mobile devices from everybody.
Go to home assistant using a BROWSER and start deleting each and every entity related to those mobile devices, one by one, by hand, on the entities screen. P.S.: If entities start to get recreated while you delete them, check if you’re signed out on all devices.
After deleting all entities, go to Settings > Integrations > Mobile app
Delete each and every phone in there. If there’s any phone with entities, delete the entities first.
If any phone is disabled in this list, re-enable it, delete the entities, and try to delete it again, in this order.
If you get errors while trying to delete phones or some weird “Not loaded” messages while deleting phones, restart Home Assistant and redo step 2 onwards. I had to restart Home Assistant multiple times for this to work until no errors or messages were displayed and everything was effectively deleted.
Do this until you feel you have a clean slate on anything related to mobile devices, and then sign in on all devices again. Entities should get recreated, so check if they don’t end with “_1” or something, because if they do, then there was something left to delete before signing on again, so redo step 2 onwards. I had to restart Home Assistant multiple times for this to work until no errors or messages were displayed and everything was effectively deleted.
Once phones and entities are properly created, go to Settings > People, go to each person, and check if the only devices that belong to the people are the main phone devices that you want to be used as location trackers, so no Macs, computers, tablets, anything other than each person’s main mobile phone should be there.
Test it and post it here if that works for you.
I hypothesize that the zone people tracker is not getting updated because of these ghost phones created by Home Assistant. These get recreated every time you sign-in with the same account, so avoid signing out and back in again on the same device, otherwise, you’ll have to make sure your entities are not messed up and each person’s main device is the only one liked to the person at hand.
Is this a bug worth creating tickets on Home Assistant’s GitHub? Is this reproducible? I can’t say for sure because I don’t want to mess up my entities, it’s a pain to delete each entity by hand (I couldn’t find any way to delete entities in bulk).
Accessing the UI from either the Companion App (iOS and macOS in my case) or from a browser does retain location preferences (presumably in cookies in the browser).
While I am able to reliably remove device trackers for a given user (like an admin account whose presence shouldn’t indicate that someone is at home), I do find they reappear despite having indicated that they should not. This usually occurs when I restart the app or browser. That appears to be a bug.
In the Companion App on iOS, go to Settings > Companion app, select a server entry (where the user name is specified as “Logged in as”), scroll to the bottom, and set “Location Sent” to “Never”.
In the Companion App on macOS, do the same in Preferences > Servers.
In the Companion App, go to Settings > People. Select the desired user, scroll down to “Select the devices that belong to this person”, and remove all devices.
In the browser, I removed data/cookies stored for the site.
While this immediately updates the states of person. and zone.home, the device trackers reappear when I restart the app or browser. Sigh.