Zoned heating control - EQ3 Max Thermostatic Radiator Valves?


I have a large house and would like to have finer control over my heating on a room by room basis. I have looked at a number of different systems but i have 15 radiators in my house and most would cost £100’s or even £1,000 to deploy fully. I recently spotted that the EQ-3 Max! cube has come down in price and could be deployed for a few hundred pounds. My aim is to have a fully zoned heating system that can be controlled via home assistant using automations. For example, on days I work from home just heat my study and kitchen, but on a Saturday morning turn down the radiator in the study and heat the front room and bedrooms. Would anyone currently using the EQ3 max system be willing to let me have some feedback on their experiences using the system? I also have a few questions:

  • From what i have seen each TRV will report the actual temperature of each room. How often does this update and do they provide reliable information?
  • Can you reliably set target temperatures via home assistant? I have read about the 1% restriction but think i would only be changing set points 4 or 5 times a day at most.
  • Are the valves very noisy when they open/close the valves? I would like to use them in bedrooms but not if they are going to wake everyone up they are so loud :slight_smile:
  • Would you recommend the system?

Thanks in advance for any feedback. If anyone else is using an alternative system they would like to recommend then please do!!

is not working well with HASS, the Cube resets itself, I think is related to the fact that cannot handle to many requests or similar.

Once setup with its own app its working fine though. WHat you need can be achieved with the app (but you will not able to know each valve temperature, the original app does not support it)

A bit annoying, but you get used to it. I don’t know if other models have same noise or more or less

in the end, if you are on a budget get them, they are ok

If you can afford to spend more (minimum the double) get the homematic, I red that they are better. I would avoid Netatmo (99 for a valve … insane)

I have 3 Energenie Smart Radiator Valves that I have had for over a year (two of them for nearly two years now). I control them with my own driver for their Raspberry Pi add on board, however they do have a web based server and hub if you don’t like the diy route

The trv reports every 5 minutes. Its difficult to say how accurate it is in absolute terms, but relatively everything makes sense. It reports that it is warmer when it feels warmer.

Yes. I have found that there is some offset for each valve, which may be due to installation setup. My lounge trv seems to hover at around 1.5 degrees C above where I set it, but my bedrroom one only 1 degree C. The office one is spot on. I adjust the settings in the software so that I send a value to adjust to it.

They are not loud, but you do notice them when the room is silent. Having said that, the bedroom one has never woken me up.

I am very happy with the system. My Gas usage went down significantly over last winter.

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Thanks all for your feedback. I have decided to go for a cheap heating servo and a sonoff TH10 with a temperature sensor in each room. There is a photo fo the set up half way down this page I have been using sonoff’s for a few months now and they are great value, reliable bits of kit so am looking forward to getting some good results.

Will let you know how i get on if anyone is interested.

which one?

Have bought one of these, it should arrive before the end of the week. It should just bolt on in place of the trv head.


did you manage to get work with that kind of vale? mine is not pressing enough on the center pin to close the radiator