Zooz 800 long range Bricked recovery

I seem to have bricked my zooz 800 stick is it possible to recover it if so any pointers would be great. Thanks

There’s not much to go on here. Bricked it how? And the symptoms are you seeing? And you have HA running how? Green/Yellow, Docker, Supervised? The troubleshooting tips will be dependent on your setup and the actual problem.

Thanks for the reply. I tried to update the firmware through HA and it failed bricking the stick. I have installed the silicone Labs software and although the device shows as a usb device the software won’t connect to it. I wasn’t going to use HA to recover the device as it doesn’t recognise it now.

You are scaring me. I have one to update and now, not sure. It works but complains it’s …20, not …21.

Is the blue light still on when plug the controller in? If it is you can recover it.

I’ve just updated the new one I’ve purchased with a Windows pc and it worked perfectly. The new stick works so much better than the one I had before with the old firmware.

No the blue light doesn’t come on so I guess it’s toast. I’ve received a new one today updated it with a PC rather than through HA and worked perfectly.

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