I converted my Hassio to using Z-Wave JS several months ago and have had no issues. I wanted to upgrade my security so I was going through and dropping anything not using S2 security and adding them back forcing security.
I noticed that my Zooz devices needed new firmware. I contacted Zooz customer services to get the new firmware and they were very good! They sent me new firmware for my Zen15 and that upgraded nicely. I did the upgrades through Z-Wave JS. One of my Zen23 switches was too old and they told me it didn’t support OTA updates but the other one did.
It was running 3.0 firmware and they sent me 4.0 firmware. The update process seemed to go fine but the device came back as ‘unknown’ when finished. I excluded it and included it, I power cycled it and it is still showing up as unknown. Is the 4.0 firmware supported in Z-Wave JS or has anyone else experienced this?
I figured it out. Something must have happened with the flash the first time because I managed to get it reflashed and it worked! I was able to do it through the Aeon Labs controller software with my Aeotec Z-Wave dongle attached to my Windows machine.
Just out of curiosity, since you have this same switch, are you getting state updates when manually controlling the switch? Mine doesnt seem to be sending state updates when controlled manually. So if i turn the switch on, at the switch, it doesnt show on within HA. Ive removed and re-added. I am running the latest firmware. I’m kind of baffled. I have some other ZooZ switches that work just fine.
Which switch are you referring to? I have mostly Zooz switches. I have issues with using Z-Wave JS for firmware upgrades. It’s like a 50-50 shot. I followed Zooz FAQ instructions to download Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio and went through the whole registration process for that which worked better for me with my Z-Wave dongle hooked into my Windows PC.