Zooz ZSE70 motion sensor missing settings in Z-Wave JS UI

I added 2 ZSE70 outdoor motion sensors to my zwave network one has all advanced settings available in the zwave integration.

The other has none available.

How can I get the advanced settings to show in the integration?

Try restarting HA

Yes. Several times.

Try re-interviewing the device. Make sure to wake it up first. You may need to keep it awake repeatedly until the interview is complete.

Will a motion event work to wake the device or will I need to dismantle the device and push the button?

The interview happened so fast I would have missed it if it hadn’t been for the success banner. Didn’t make any difference though.

ZOOZ support says the ZSE70 isn’t fully supported in HA but they didn’t address how one ZSE70 can be supported and another isn’t.

When I have some more daylight I may try dismounting the device and disassembling it so that I can exclude/re-include it unless someone has a better idea before then.

Interviews aren’t fast. You need to use the device’s wake method (button, whatever) and keep it awake during the interview. You can watch the interview process in the log.

Your device likely wasn’t awake when you initiated the interview and it got queued.

The only reasonable way they could be different is different firmware versions. If they are the same firmware I’d assume they should have the same settings.

Thanks. The wake button is in the battery compartment. Too much trouble in the dark. I’ll give it a shot this weekend in the daylight.

I would also suspect there was an error during the initial interview and it just wasn’t visible. If the re-interview still doesn’t solve the problem and you would like to attempt to diagnose the problem:

  1. Download and post the device diagnostic files (to a pastebin like dpaste.org) for both devices for comparison
  2. Turn on driver debug logging and perform the device interview of the problematic device, being sure to actually wake the device as mentioned to complete the process, then post the logs (to a pastebin like dpaste.org)

There are a number of Zooz devices that are badly behaved during the Configuration CC interview and have workarounds in the driver. Sometimes they are fixed in firmware updates. It’s possible the ZSE70 suffers from the same (interview log would show that).

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Same firmware version on both.

Using the “wake” button to wake this device appears to have resulted in a successful re-interview and resolved the missing advanced settings. I am still left with one oddity though. I have two of these motion devices, both in the same area “Front Porch”. One is named “Driveway Motion” and the other is named “Front Porch Motion”. When I look at that area in the Overview tab Driveway Motion is shown with the correct name but Front Porch Motion is shown as just “Motion” (see screenshot) even though if I click on device info I see the proper name.

In the grand scheme of things this is minor but it really agitates my OCD.

BTW: Thanks to all for the help.

Guessing maybe this is a bug in HA???
If I change the name of the device so that the area isn’t included (example: Front Porch to FrontPorch) the device name doesn’t get truncated.

I think that’s intentional. That’s how entity names work on the device page as well. In the context of an area, the area name is redundant for entities that are prefixed with the same area name. What cards are you using exactly?

Looks like you might be using the auto-generated area dashboard. I think it overrides the entity names using the logic I explained above. If you want to change that, you can “take control” of the dashboard and then change them.

I understand what you’re saying, not sure I agree though. My preference would be that I get to decide what name is displayed (not my call though I guess). I’ll just avoid using exact area names for devices. Or maybe eliminate areas and just include that info in the name.

As I said before, minor issue. :slightly_smiling_face: