ZS - GX1 or GUUDGO cam

I have a problem configuring this camera.
I can use it using VLC but when I configure inside HASS, it fails…


I test it using ffmpeg console:
ffmpeg -i rtsp://[email protected]:554 -loglevel debug

But seems to fail in authentificate

Splitting the commandline.
Reading option ‘-i’ … matched as input url with argument ‘rtsp://[email protected]:554’.
Reading option ‘-loglevel’ … matched as option ‘loglevel’ (set logging level) with argument ‘debug’.
Finished splitting the commandline.
Parsing a group of options: global .
Applying option loglevel (set logging level) with argument debug.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Parsing a group of options: input url rtsp://[email protected]:554.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Opening an input file: rtsp://[email protected]:554.
[tcp @ 0x7fc739500340] No default whitelist set
[rtsp @ 0x7fc73a001200] method DESCRIBE failed: 401 Unauthorized
[rtsp @ 0x7fc73a001200] CSeq: 3
Server: TAS-Tech Streaming Server V100R001
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=“rtspsvc”

rtsp://[email protected]:554: Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed)

- platform: ffmpeg
  input: rtsp://192.x.x.x:554/user=admin_password=yourpassword_channel=1_stream=0.sdp
  name: Garden_Cam_Seat

Maybe use some like the above.

Did this worked for you @ezar?

Yes! works fine

@ezar can you help me, to configuration my snowman at HA