I have about 90 zwave devices and most of them are wired switches and dimmers. A couple nights ago I had a really bad power outage with lots of brown outs and/or surges. All my LIFX bulbs reset (that requires fast on/off 5x…). Nearly 2 days later I have power again and only 1 maybe 2 zwave switches work when controlled via Home Assistant. Zwave JS UI shows them all dead (except the 2 or 3 that work). Healing an individual device or pulling the air gap does not seem to restore the device. Doing a full network heal, if it even works, will take many hours and require me to run around waking up all battery devices…
One of my switches did fail (did not respond to paddle or HA commands) but that was zigbee. The zwave devices showing offline in HA work if you interact with the paddles but are all dead as far as zwave is concerned.
Before I start tearing down the mesh network, any idea what may have failed or suggestions on what I can try to recover?
Sounds like my two weeks after TX snowmageddon a couple years ago Alex…
Unfortunately you’re probably trying to factory reset a few of the ZWave plus devices to see if you can get them to rejoin or if the ZWave radio is just hosed. That’s what I had to resort to in most cases. Of its not a plus device then the exclude/reinclude dance.
Most of my older Jascos didn’t make it, my newer Jascos and Innovellis did but a few needed to be re-included. All told I lost 10 of 63. If I couldn’t get it to reinclude then it went in the bin…
Texan Icemageddon this time… yup I just found that a Homeseer HS-WS200+ in the Master Bathroom died (binking blue led) and even power cycling it did not help. As soon as I replaced it with a spare everything came back to life… or so it seems. I still have to test every device but at least stuff is popping back up as active in HA.
I believe all, except maybe 3 zwave devices had a direct route to the controller so I am surprised this one bad node was causing all devices except 2 or 3 to work.
I am trying to holdover until Inovelli’s blue series is upgraded to Matter compatible firmware (and it actually shipping!)… and then all the Homeseer stuff goes in the bin.