Zwave device showing unknown even after modifying manufacturer_specific

Hi All,

I saw another recent post for this issue but they were using a different zwave controller so I felt best to open a new case.

Server info

HomeAssistant 0.60 in venv
Ubuntu 16.04 on ESXi 6.5 (with legacy usb driver enabled)
Aeotec zwave stick via passthrough

I have a August Smart Lock Gen 3 which supports zwave. I added it securely and it shows up as Unknown: id=033f Unknown: type=0001, id=0001

I added the below to manufacturer_specific.xml. Rebooted the server. Nothing changed. I even removed and re-added. Same thing

  <Manufacturer id="033f" name="August">
                <Product type="0001" id="0001" name="August Smart Lock Rev 3"/>

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


To get HASS to update from manufacturer_specific.xml you have to do the following:

  • Stop home assistant
  • delete zwcfg_*.xml (or at least remove all references to the node in question)
  • re-start home assistant and wait for it to update

If you try to delete the zwcfg xml file while home assistant is running, it will simply re-create it at shut down, which will negate your attempt to get it to re-read, and as long as home assistant is running, or has that file intact, it won’t pull data from manufacturer_specific.xml

On a side note, if you manage to get any more information out of your August than simply the lock state and ability to lock/unlock I’d love to know how. I’m specifically insterested in being able to find:

  • if lock was unlocked manually or by app
  • who unlocked (if by app)
  • battery level

I currently have the same lock, and all I’ve managed to figure out is reading if the lock is locked or unlocked, and telling it to lock or unlock. Granted that’s the most important part so I’m not too heart-broken about the rest, but I’m sure I could put the information to good use if I can find it.