Zwave garage door button getting 'double tapped'

I have one of these;

Now recently, not sure when but definitely in the last 12 weeks or so (so could be an issue with a HASS release in that time period, I keep myself pretty up to date). My Garage door has not been opening completely and I have been at a loss to why.

I have not added or removed any nodes from my zwave network in ages (non this year) and it has been rock solid until recently.

How it works is that there is a button in HASS I have called “garage door move”, you hit it and the garage door moves, in whatever direction it was already going on. So if it is fully open, it moves down. If it is fully closed it moves up… If it is half way or something, it will stop the first time and go back in the opposite directino the second time. As soon as you hit the button and it turns on, it will automatically turn off again (the switch in HASS that is).

I have the following configuration so it acts as a cover in HASS:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Garage Door
          # {% if (states('binary_sensor.garage_door_opener_sensor') == 'on') and (states('binary_sensor.garage_door_opener_sensor_2') == 'off') %}
        value_template: >-
          {% if (states('binary_sensor.garage_door_opener_sensor') == 'off') and (states('binary_sensor.garage_door_opener_sensor_2') == 'on') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.garage_door_opener_switch
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.garage_door_opener_switch
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.garage_door_opener_switch
        icon_template: >-
          {% if (states('binary_sensor.garage_door_opener_sensor') == 'on') and (states('binary_sensor.garage_door_opener_sensor_2') == 'off') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

(again, this works… Rocket solid, has for ages).

Now when using an automation, what you will see in hass is the following (logbook).
The same is reflected again in the text based log.

but what I recently noticed is, the command on the zwave level… sometimes, not all the time… is getting sent twice… example:

# grep "Node081, Value::Set - COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY - Switch - 0 - 1 - True" /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/OZW_Log.txt | grep 2019-06-22 | grep "10:45"
2019-06-22 10:45:27.045 Info, Node081, Value::Set - COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY - Switch - 0 - 1 - True
2019-06-22 10:45:28.222 Info, Node081, Value::Set - COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY - Switch - 0 - 1 - True

hence when that second command is sent, it stops the garage door… and it doesn’t open… only like a tenth of the way…

SO trying to work out a solution for this problem, there are parameters that control how fast the relay returns to off

PARAMETER № 6 – Time delay interval for command OFF for relay 1.
Relay 1 will be switched OFF with predefined delay. Value 1 =0.1 sec (10 = 1sec), when value = o then delay is disabled.
Values range (1-65000)
Parameter value = 0 (default) 

So the default is no delay, I figured I could put in a delay of 5 seconds and problem solved.

Now in attempting to do that, when I go to the z wave config in HASS… there are no parameter options… the menu/pulldown for this in HASS is broken.


Any ideas on how to fix this issue, either by another solution or by fixing the config parameters and making the change I suggest.

I have a comment on discord:

FishwaldoYesterday at 3:24 PM
@war could be the config param has the wrong size  or is just wrong. Compare the device config file to the device manual to check.
Second one - check the associations. Sometimes different association groups send the same Info.

Just need to work out what it all means. :0

in the zwcfg_0xf49fd3ce.xml file I have, I have noticed that:

                        <CommandClass id="112" name="COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION" version="1" request_flags="5" innif="true">
                                <Instance index="1" />

the CONFIGURATION command class has nothing in it… Probably why it doesn’t work in the HASS. How can I get this populate? Anyone know.

Is it related to the fact that the devices in unknown?

                <Manufacturer id="24e" name="Unknown: id=024e">
                        <Product type="21" id="14" name="Unknown: type=0021, id=0014" />

Looks like I have the same as this guy;!topic/openzwave/kwQL3pz3HWQ

I finally found and solved this… It was an automation issue… Doh.