Zwave JS and device status

With the legacy ZWave addon I could query device health using the zwave. domain. For instance I could tell if one of my devices was in a dead state.

Anyone figure out how to do the same thing with the Zwave JS add on and integration?

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Have the same question, following with interest.

Go to integration -> zwave js -> devices. Click on a device and it’ll have a blurb about the status of said device.

How can this information be used in an automation or a node red flow?

It cannot. What are you trying to get? Devices shouldn’t be going dead

I have a node red flow where I previously queried the zwave domain nodes to see if the device is still alive (it does the same for zigbee and also some other devices via ping or other methods). For example I have 3 zwave door locks which chew through batteries pretty fast as well as a number of other battery powered devices which I would like to know if they are not responding. Devices shouldn’t go dead, but it is nice to have flow watching to see if they do and let me know if they do.

don’t these devices report battery levels?

I used mine for the same purpose. Schlage locks are bad for dropping off the network for no good reason and needing a power cycle.

That is true, although I’m not sure how much I trust the values reported. But I think there are a number of other use cases, we just had rolling blackouts here and it would be nice to know that all the nodes reconnected properly when it powers back up. My flow sends out a report everytime it thinks something drops off or reconnects so it is more automated then manually checking.

I just thought that since the information is available in the front end, it must not be all that hard to expose through some method for use in other places.

Access to device information is currently limited and I don’t foresee this changing in the near future. You’re welcome to write up a feature request.