I really don’t know how long it takes and whether it even completes the network repair as it takes way too long. I can leave it running all afternoon and night to find it still crunching in the morning. I have 84 zwave devices that are exclusively 500 and 700 series. The battery operated ones are a minority but growing now that 700 series sensors are becoming increasingly available.
View of my network health in the regular Zwave JS is so limited I have tried to migrate to the ZwaveJS2MQTT but my first attempt failed with all my devices shown as nodes… I really don’t want to rename 500 or so entities and I have yet to try the “cache file” method I have heard of.
Other than sleepy devices, and possibly some chatty devices (i turned all those as far down as possible), what else is making the healing process take so long? I also can’t go around waking the devices given their locations.