Zwave js ui in Docker not found by home assistant

I deployed Home Assistant in Docker but did so giving it a separate ip address on my network. That worked perfectly, I can access the UI, Home Assistant finds other devices on my network, etc…

So I thought it would have been easy to roll out zwave js ui the same way in Docker, with a different ip address. I can deploy and access the UI, using the proper port.

Home assistant doesn’t find anything and asks to fill something in for “ws://localhost:3000” Modifying localhost with the ip address that the container of zwave js ui doesn’t work. It can’t find it.

I imagine I can fix this if both Home Assistant and ZWave JS UI would using the host, but I would kind of like to avoid this.

Haven’t tried giving both the same IP address, don’t know if that’s even possible, suspect not.

Anybody got an idea or a suggestion to make sure both can “see” each other? They are on the same subnet & network…

Many thanks!

Create a docker network >> connect both container to network>> assign both container hostname in docker>>connect HA to zwave js using hostname:port

You can keep HA with its own IP. I presume this is macvlan but if only ipvlan then it may have no purpose and create more difficulty. Macvlan provide separate mac and ip, mdns works also.

Separate mac and ip not really needed for zwavejs. Exposing port is enough if you want to access ui. HA not need either and can access within docker network you create

Portainer makes creating networks easy

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Did you follow the Minimum settings instructions and enable the websocket server? It’s disabled by default.

You might want to post your docker compose file.

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Hello there, I’m using IPVlan indeed !

It was indeed as easy as that ! The webservice wasn’t active… :see_no_evil:

Thanks for helping out !