Ser2net is broken completely in zwavejs ui addon
opened 02:10PM - 28 Jan 25 UTC
### Checklist
- [x] I am not using Home Assistant. Or: a developer has told me… to come here.
- [x] I have checked the troubleshooting section and my problem is not described there.
- [x] I have read the changelog and my problem is not mentioned there.
### Deploy method
Home Assistant Add-on
### Z-Wave JS UI version
### ZwaveJS version
### Describe the bug
I am using ser2net to host my zwave stick im also doing the same for zigbee.
zigbee is working fine HA ZHA connect to it everytime first time no 1 issue.
however zwave js ui will not connect but will sometimes after a long while.
port: con01
accepter: tcp,20108
enable state: on
timeout: 0
connected to: ipv6,::ffff:,34080
bytes read from TCP: 26441
bytes written to TCP: 59188
device: serialdev, /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE2151441-if00, 115200n81,nobreak,local
device config: 115200N81,CLOCAL
device controls: RTSHI,DTRHI
tcp to device state: waiting output
device to tcp state: waiting output
bytes read from device: 58990
bytes written to device: 26441
port: con02
accepter: tcp,20208
enable state: on
timeout: 0
device: serialdev, /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Zooz_800_Z-Wave_Stick_533D004242-if00, 115200n81,nobreak,local
device config: 115200N81,CLOCAL
tcp to device state: waiting input
device to tcp state: waiting input
bytes read from device: 0
bytes written to device: 0
this is ser2net you can see there is a connection made for the zigbee stick but no connection to the zwave stick

zwave shows driver failed to initialize. Sometimes with random rebooting of zwave js ui and the ser2net pi or just waiting for a long while it will connect and then work ok until the connection is stopped again either by the pi with ser2net rebooting or zwave js ui addon restarting.
### To Reproduce
connect zwave controller via ser2net
### Expected behavior
to connect
### Additional context
_No response_
Another resport was made a while back has this functionality been removed?
February 2, 2025, 6:06pm
Doesn’t seem to be a universal problem as I’m on Add-on version 3.19.0 and it’s working find with my production system using ser2net. I’m using a HomeSeer Z-net which is a RPi with ser2net and a HAT controller.
(Z-Wave AI Bot)
February 2, 2025, 7:03pm
You might get more of a response if you included some useful information in the issue. I’d suggest posting a driver debug log and your ser2net configuration.