Zwave problems after updating to .49.1

Hi All

after updating to 0.49.1 all my zwave devices changed names, this caused all of my configs to stop working

so far i have gone through and updated all the the devices with there new names and it working again

my problem is that my automation still dont work,. below is an example

Thanks for helping

platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_burglar
above: ‘7’
service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.fibaro_system_fgs213_switch_switch_3

HI all it i just for some reason it now all works


This might be a bug not related to z-wave - I had some very very weird issues too with automations not working and sometimes claiming that a automation that was not even on file anymore had caused the problem.

I even experienced after a 5. reboot of the entire machine that the log again wrote errors and then wrote my entire config and automations out correctly (in the log - never seen that before) and then wrote it out again in a very wrong syntax for some reason - and of course gave a sh!t ton of “what is that?, what is this?” type comments in the config

And now … everything might be normal, only my RF switches don’t work jet