Zwave setup not able to include devices

Hi everyone and a happy new year,

i am not able to include any zwave devices with my just started zwave setup.
Homeassistant: 2023.11.3 running as VM on ESXi host.
zwave USB Stick: ATRIM Stick (Cygnal Integrated CP2102N USB to UART Bridge Controller) connected from ESXi to VM.
In HA i installed the Add-On Zwave JS.

After that the stick was recognized in integrartions and i added it as a zwave controller.

Everthing looks good, as for me.

If i now want to add a new zwave device by clicking the add device button:

and activating the include Mode on any zwave device, nothing is happening and after some time there is a timeout displayed.

i used some already used Fibaro Multisensors, also resetted them several times and also a new out-of-the-box sensor, but all of them are not able to include.

here is the log from the zwave integration, during a inclucion process, when i turned a device into inclution mode:

Z-Wave JS Log-Meldungen abonniert…
2024-01-01T12:18:32.769Z CNTRLR   Starting inclusion process with strategy Default...
2024-01-01T12:18:32.770Z DRIVER   all queues busy
2024-01-01T12:18:32.772Z SERIAL » 0x0105004ac10f7e                                                     (7 bytes)
2024-01-01T12:18:32.773Z DRIVER » [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
                                    node type:    Any
                                    high power:   true
                                    network wide: true
                                    callback id:  15
2024-01-01T12:18:32.781Z SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2024-01-01T12:18:32.782Z SERIAL « 0x0108004a0f01000000b3                                              (10 bytes)
2024-01-01T12:18:32.783Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2024-01-01T12:18:32.783Z DRIVER « [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
                                    status:      Ready
                                    callback id: 15
2024-01-01T12:18:32.785Z CNTRLR   The controller is now ready to add nodes
2024-01-01T12:18:32.786Z DRIVER   all queues idle
2024-01-01T12:18:50.404Z DRIVER   all queues busy
2024-01-01T12:18:50.406Z SERIAL » 0x0103003bc7                                                         (5 bytes)
2024-01-01T12:18:50.406Z DRIVER » [REQ] [GetBackgroundRSSI]
2024-01-01T12:18:51.088Z SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2024-01-01T12:18:51.090Z SERIAL « 0x0107013b9c9898a2fc                                                 (9 bytes)
2024-01-01T12:18:51.090Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2024-01-01T12:18:51.091Z DRIVER « [RES] [GetBackgroundRSSI]
                                    channel 0: -100 dBm
                                    channel 1: -104 dBm
                                    channel 2: -104 dBm
2024-01-01T12:18:51.093Z DRIVER   all queues idle
2024-01-01T12:19:20.404Z DRIVER   all queues busy
2024-01-01T12:19:20.407Z SERIAL » 0x0103003bc7                                                         (5 bytes)
2024-01-01T12:19:20.408Z DRIVER » [REQ] [GetBackgroundRSSI]
2024-01-01T12:19:20.415Z SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2024-01-01T12:19:20.416Z SERIAL « 0x0107013b9b9898a3fa                                                 (9 bytes)
2024-01-01T12:19:20.417Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2024-01-01T12:19:20.418Z DRIVER « [RES] [GetBackgroundRSSI]
                                    channel 0: -101 dBm
                                    channel 1: -104 dBm
                                    channel 2: -104 dBm
2024-01-01T12:19:20.420Z DRIVER   all queues idle
2024-01-01T12:19:50.402Z DRIVER   all queues busy
2024-01-01T12:19:50.404Z SERIAL » 0x0103003bc7                                                         (5 bytes)
2024-01-01T12:19:50.404Z DRIVER » [REQ] [GetBackgroundRSSI]
2024-01-01T12:19:50.673Z SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2024-01-01T12:19:50.674Z SERIAL « 0x0107013b9b9999a4fd                                                 (9 bytes)
2024-01-01T12:19:50.674Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2024-01-01T12:19:50.675Z DRIVER « [RES] [GetBackgroundRSSI]
                                    channel 0: -101 dBm
                                    channel 1: -103 dBm
                                    channel 2: -103 dBm
2024-01-01T12:19:50.676Z DRIVER   all queues idle
2024-01-01T12:20:02.778Z CNTRLR   stopping inclusion process...
2024-01-01T12:20:02.780Z DRIVER   all queues busy
2024-01-01T12:20:02.783Z SERIAL » 0x0105004ac51065                                                     (7 bytes)
2024-01-01T12:20:02.784Z DRIVER » [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
                                    action:       Stop
                                    high power:   true
                                    network wide: true
                                    callback id:  16
2024-01-01T12:20:02.791Z SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2024-01-01T12:20:02.795Z SERIAL « 0x0108004a1006000000ab                                              (10 bytes)
2024-01-01T12:20:02.796Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2024-01-01T12:20:02.798Z DRIVER « [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
                                    status:      Done
                                    callback id: 16
2024-01-01T12:20:02.799Z CNTRLR   The inclusion process was stopped
2024-01-01T12:20:02.800Z DRIVER   all queues idle

Also asked google for it, but som hints, like rebooting homeassistant, or plug out the zwave usb stick, waiting 30secs and connecting it again, doesn´t help.

I will be really thanksful, if somebody can provide me some help how to get this working.

Best regards,

How is the dongle connected to HA? What USB port is it on an extension etc?

Hi itnassol,
The zwave controller is directly attached via USB at the front panel of the dell server (esxi host).

And one other thing.
I am living in EU and using this stick.

Is it possible that this LR version isn‘t compatible with the EU devices?

The description of this controller is telling something about down-compatibility, but not sure, if this is only possible within the LR frequency, which I read, isn’t working with EU devices.

Or is it possible to change the frequency mode somehow of the controller?

LR is not available in EU. Devices are also region-coded, so any devices bought in EU will not function with a controller set to a non-EU region.

According to the Atrim product page, they have two versions of the stick. The one pictured seems to be for US according to

If for some reason, you ordered the EU version but it came configured for US, you should be able to change the region as it is usually software configurable (and if that’s the case, maybe notify the vendor). You can change the region in Z-Wave JS UI. If you aren’t using ZUI, the driver logs will show the region on startup, but to change you’ll have to either switch to ZUI or use the Windows PC Controller software to change it, as HA does not support changing it.

You might need to contact Atrim to see if the US version can be used in EU with a region change. The US Model could have undesirable RF characteristics for EU region.

I just found this thread, also looking for a Z-Wave 800 USB stick.

The Atrim website (link already mentioned by freshcoast) cites 915 MHz for the European model which looks wrong, should be 868,4 MHz IMHO.

Also, Z-Wave Controllers - Home Assistant only lists Zooz and HomeSeer as supported.

I have not yet found any Gen800 stick for legal use in the EU from any German vendor.

So I personally will wait a bit longer and let beta testers do their job :innocent:

Same problem – Zwave not able to include devices – but with all U.S. parts.

First, I am completely new to HA, although I have been doing home automation back to the beginnings of X-10.

I just moved out of a home filled with successfully-running Z-Wave devices (some maybe 10 years old) controlled by a Vera Edge. I brought many of these devices to my new home. I decided that I should try a technology newer than my Edge, so I bought an HA Green and a HomeSeer SmartStick G8 Z-Wave 800. Everything seems to have installed and auto-upgraded with the Green and stick as best as I can tell. But the system does not see any of my Z-Wave devices for inclusion (e.g., GE ZW4101 appliance module, Leviton DZPD3 dimming module).

When I go to “Add a Z-Wave Device” it starts “Searching for Devices…” but never finds any (including ones right next to the stick). (At the device, the pairing procedure is to cycle the on/off switch.) Then it times out. I have tried selecting “How do you want to add your device” and using each of the three strategies: “Secure if possible”, “Legacy secure” and “Insecure”. I have tried multiple reboots. Same result every time.

The HA Green sees the Apple TV and Epson printer on my network. So it seems to be working.

The Green sees the Z-Wave stick (identified as Silicon Labs 700/800).

The Green’s HA core is 2024.11.3

HA OS is 13.2

Frontend is 20241106.2

Stick firmware is 7.22.2

Under Z-Wave on the Green it shows “Hubs” / “Z-Wave JS”:

Driver version: 13.10.3

Server version: 1.39.0

Thanks for any help that can be provided.

Did you exclude the devices from your Vera controller? They can only be part of one network at a time.

I did not. I didn’t expect that having previously been on a controller would prevent them from being recognized at all by a new one. But that may be the problem. I will try it and report back. Thank you for the tip.

That seems to have been the problem. No trouble including a new, unopened, previously unpaired module. A bit of a “rookie” mistake I suppose, but then I have been using the same controller for about a decade, so haven’t had occasion to ever re-pair.

So, I will go and unpair my modules with my old controller and hope that works. But that raises an interesting question: what does one do if one’s controller simply dies and becomes unavailable for unpairing? Does one have to toss all the existing modules? Or can one use a new controller with a configuration file backed up from an old one?

Thank you again for the help!

(BTW, I posed the exact same original question to Homeseer, the marketer of the dongle, and the reply was: “We are not familiar with the HA Green product.” I get that. But the answer seems to be generic Z-Wave that they should be familiar with.)

Terminology is important. In Z-wave, it’s include/exclude. The standard is designed that any controller can exclude a device from a previous network id. You don’t need the original controller. The only exception I’m aware of is that some Z-wave locks support “Anti-theft” which secures the lock to the controller that included it originally. Only this controller can then disable the anti-theft feature and allow exclusion by any controller.

Thank you for the helpful additional information. After a decade of my Z-Wave running quite nicely in my previous house
Radio Shack X-10 Controller
with little human intervention, I will have to be getting my “sea legs” back in shape.

Fun fact: The house that I have moved back into (and am getting back into practice with Z-Wave), is one where 20 years ago I had installed some combo Insteon/X-10 wall switches. I dragged my old Radio Shack controller (at least 25 years old) out of a box, and everything is working perfectly.