ZWaveJS Supported Version List?

I’m currently running HA and zwavejs2mqtt in docker containers. Right now, whenever I want to know if I am generally “safe” to update zwavejs (via the zwavejs2mqtt wrapper container), I go to the addons repo in Github and look for the current version listed in addons/build.yaml at b8033aeb9c39ba5a004bd1703a85669102f297e0 · home-assistant/addons · GitHub. From there, I look back into zwavejs2mqtt for the version that contains the version of zwavejs found in the addon repo.

Is there a quicker way to get this info? I looked through various docs pages and forum threads but I haven’t found any quick/convenient list of the supported versions of zwavejs for any particular HA release.

I have the exact same question. Working on a cutover of 2022.3.6 and currently running javejs2mqtt 6.6.2 and trying to determine if I can go to 6.7.4