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October 2020


If you want to see a glimpse of the Frontend Changes check them out here

Note this video was recorded before any beta changes or fixes

1 reply
October 2020


Awwww yeahhh! Lets get this party started!

October 2020


This has to be one of the updates I am most excided / yet terrified to update to in a long time.

Going to wait for a .2 or .3 release for sure with how many changes are in it but I am excited about native compact header, the YAML editor ETC!

1 reply
October 2020


This never stops making us happy… By the time 3 weeks pass testing new stuff in current release… BOOM!! New one is already there to play with… Amazing work guys!! :smiley:

October 2020


Great work! It’s a pleasure of being a user of such an amazing flexible and active community! Thank you all!

October 2020 ▶ zsarnett


Is there a way to launch the ‘quick bar’ on devices that don’t have keyboards (like phones), or is there a plan to add this do you know?

2 replies
October 2020


Error in update

2 replies
October 2020 ▶ anon43302295


There is currently no way to launch in on a mobile device unless you use a Keyboard with it. There are talks of adding a method to launch on mobile

1 reply
October 2020


I stopped reading at the point where @mayker joined core! Amazing news for us compact header fanatics!

October 2020


You guys keep adding things i didn’t know i wanted, awesome work! looking forward to try this bad boy :smiley:

October 2020 ▶ zsarnett


You can keep track of it here:

October 2020


Looking forward to the update! Any idea if we’ll see the ability to use broadcast messages over TTS to Google home speakers soon/ever? I use mine for notifications around the house but it’s a bit annoying when the doorbell sounds and disables all audio that was previously playing. Also would be useful to set/reset the volume on broadcasts. Fingers crossed!

2 replies
October 2020 ▶ burg93


You mean native? There’s lots of custom stuff you can use for that. And you can use Jinja and helpers for stuff like this.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ drako86

Tinkerer Solution Institution

I saw similar errors, but the update worked.

October 2020

nickrout Solution Institution

/me impatiently waits for possibility to update to pop up in supervisor…

(I know it takes time, but I am impatient!)

October 2020



It was a very stable beta test.

Thanks to joogs for improving the Panasonic Viera integration. I have power control! Also looking forward to the future release of Viera remote.

If you still find the header height to be too big you can theme the size. header-height: 48px works for me (instead of the default 56px 64px).

For the Aussies, David has cloned the old BoM integration and you can install it as a custom component until Brendan’s replacement (uses the new BoM API) is released: Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS - #564 by DavidFW1960

4 replies
October 2020

nickrout Solution Institution

While I look at my supervisor page, has the version numbering of supervisor changed?




Newest Version


2 replies
October 2020 ▶ nickrout


Could just be beta numbering.

Edit: nope. Stable has changed too.

October 2020


About using TTS for notification, the link to the documentation is

October 2020 ▶ KTibow


Ooo I wasn’t aware. Is there a third party custom component that does this easily? The broadcast that is. RE the volume I guess I could use helpers to get the volume before, change it, broadcast then set back but something built in would make that a lot smoother!

October 2020


The new API version has been released yesterday. It’s working here. I did update the docs however I’m going to tweak them a bit today so it is more coherent and less rushed…

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ DavidFW1960


That was quick!

Not in the core though?

1 reply
October 2020


I am really excited that work has started for the new Google Nest API.

Cannot wait to ditch HOOBS for the Nest integration.

October 2020


Again a great update!

only a minor issue… Since this update my Axis camera integration has stopped working! (devices are unavailable)

October 2020


My zigbee2mqtt Edge stopped working after this update. Using 64 bit HassOS 5.4.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ Routout


Try making a new thread for this.

October 2020


Yeah nope. A new custom component that replaces BOM core and also the FTP custom component I had forked… so just the one custom component needed now.

October 2020


Love new slick header, but wish it was configurable. This header changes seems to effect cards placement algorithm - and there is no mentioning about this change in this post. Also calendar became very small.

3 replies
October 2020 ▶ WildRat


Well header-height is

October 2020


The height is. See my post above.

October 2020


I more puzzled how to rearrange cards so they have proper order in mobile app and convenient placement in desktop browser.

1 reply
October 2020


Quick bar not working in chrome on mobile? Also not in ios app?

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ DavidFW1960


No. Not yet. Options are being considered for mobile.

October 2020


Thanks @shbatm for the great work on ISY!!! Finally we now have support for decimal precision on Variables. Sweet!

October 2020


I would also be very grateful if the new header was more configurable, I had it defined in the theme with car_mod theme and now many settings have been misplaced

October 2020


On my system, Power Wheel Card and RPi Monitor Card no longer worked. However, just doing a Re-Install in HACS solved it

October 2020


ZHA with Conbee II stopped working for me. I had to do a rollback to 116.4.

3 replies
October 2020


If I’m already using the existing MQTT integration to control Tasmota devices in HA, is there any advantage to switching to this new native Tasmota integration? The only thing that seems to be different is that SetOption19 is set to 0 instead of 1 on the devices.

October 2020


It’s actually 64px by default currently, I have a pull request to shrink it down to the Material Design minimum of 56px as default, which would also shrink the minimized sidebar width to 56px to match.

1 reply
October 2020


OMG, the Entities quick search bar is FANTASTIC. Thank you, thank you!!! Been wanting something like that for quite some time.

October 2020


Heads up for anyone that checks - I’m having trouble with the Daikin integration after updating.

2 replies
October 2020 ▶ mayker


Did Swipe Navigation go away?

1 reply
October 2020


For Compact Header, I would love a couple more Theme options, in addition to header-height:

Those would free up enough Horizontal space for all my tabs to fit on my phone just perfectly.

2 replies
October 2020 ▶ GaryK


No, it’s broken, look in the issues.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ Blueman2


You can create a different user for your phone, and hide enough tabs for that user to remove the carats.

October 2020 ▶ ch1ppo


oh no! can you tell me more about what you’re seeing? that would 100% prevent me from updating.

October 2020


This is a great update!
Favorite feature so far is the entity picker, very helpful when having multiple of the same ZWave Devices!

Thanks Devs!

October 2020


thanks for fixing Efergy ! love it love it love it :slight_smile: :smiley:

October 2020 ▶ ch1ppo


Looks like there’s an undocumented breaking change for Daikin units that use an API Key rather than password (BRP072Cxx and Skyfi devices)

I had to delete and recreate them and they’re working again. The breaking change is noted on the PR but didn’t make it into the release notes.

October 2020 ▶ KTibow


Thanks. I missed the issues section.

October 2020


If you are looking for an alternative to the BOM platform, please add my repo to HACS, it is using the new BOM API and avoids FTP and webscraping.

1 reply
October 2020


Looks like the Xbox gamer score is missing a unit_of_measurement.

October 2020 ▶ BrendanMoran

sparkydave Know-it-All

Legend! thanks mate :+1:

October 2020


Quick Bar. It can be launched anywhere in Home Assistant; with the keyboard shortcuts e for entities and c for commands. You can switch between the entities and command modes by removing or adding the > at the start of the search input.

This is very nice but I’m not sure if one-letter shortcuts are great. I would think a shortcut like cmd+k (or equivalent on non-Mac platforms) might be more reasonable. It’s pretty standard in various communication apps like Slack or Discord.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ rchl


This got talked about in a PR. Look in the betas release notes to see when it got changed. It was originally Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Shift+P.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ KTibow


I see that it was changed in but I don’t see why.

Also, single-letter shortcuts seem to be causing issue which was the kind of thing I was concerned about.

1 reply
October 2020


Anyone tried to install manually the xbox integration? It gives me error immediatly

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ WildRat


Use a separate lovelace dashboards for desktop/mobile.

October 2020 ▶ mirkochip88


Can’t add xbox via integrations neither:


No login box appears.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ p1ranha


Did you add any xbox entries into your configuration.yaml? You don’t need them.

October 2020


Never configured it before, so I would say no.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ p1ranha


Odd. Is it already configured somewhere? Do any dialog boxes show up before that?

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ KTibow


No other configuration was done, and that’s the first and only box that shows after selecting Xbox from Integrations -> +

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ p1ranha


If you do this on a clean-slate HA instance do you get this? You should raise an issue over at the core anyway.

1 reply
October 2020


Yeah, it’s already reported by others as well.

October 2020


Looks like a nice update, I’m looking forward to trying the Tasmota integration.

I can’t seem to find Tasmota 9 however, I can only find 8.5.1 on the releases page.

The docs for the tasmota integration state that v9.0.0.3 is needed.

  • Tasmota devices flashed with or later
2 replies
October 2020 ▶ Codec303


I believe that version is on the development branch. It’s a beta, after all.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ KTibow


Thanks I missed that, I think I’ll wait for the stable release before flashing :slight_smile:

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ Codec303


Was wondering about this too. The HA MQTT integration is working perfectly with all my 8.5.0 devices, so I guess I’ll just stay there until this matures.

2 replies
October 2020


Same. Not sure what I should change here or just stick to current…

I guess I have one I can play with… so I turn discovery off and then add the Tasmota integration after flashing… BRB…

October 2020

nickrout Solution Institution

This is great

This is welcome

This is fantastic

October 2020 ▶ Scope666


Well that seems pointless.
As soon as I setoption19 0, the Tasmota automatically was discovered in integrations. Add Tasmota and it has the device in Tasmota integration as well as MQTT.
But it doesn’t have the status sensor available with all these goodies:

So not sure what’s the point??
Then reversing it, it renamed the switch to something else…

October 2020 ▶ tom_l


I’m really looking forward to testing the Panasonic Viera fixes. it’s been a major pain since 109. I will update tonight :slight_smile:

1 reply
October 2020


Breaking Changes

Below is a listing of the breaking change for this release, per subject or integration. Click on one of those to read more about the breaking change for that specific item.

(Unclickable list follows)

Where can I read about the ISY994 breaking change?

2 replies
October 2020 ▶ pashdown


@pashdown, Something has gotten messed up with the 0.117.0 Blog post above. The details on Breaking Changes and other times have disappeared. I am sure someone will get that fixed.

As for the ISY, the main breaking change is the new support for decimal precision for Variables. If you had a variable being brought from the ISY into HA, and that variable had a precision (as in 2 decimal places) set, it would in the past not display correctly. Before, you had to manually do the precision conversion. Those manual conversions must now be removed so that they are not converted twice.

For example, if the variable was 1.45, before it used to come over as 145, and you had to divide by 100. Now, it will come over as 1.45.

October 2020


This is a really good one! Doesn’t seem to close if the last dismissed item was done as an individual item though.

October 2020 ▶ pashdown

nickrout Solution Institution

This is not the blog, it is the forum post about the blog item. If you go to the blog, they are clickable:

1 reply
October 2020


I am very excited about the automation and script editor! There was recently a script posted for status led notifications that I deemed “not worth it” to implement but that is no longer the case. :slightly_smiling_face:

I was under the impression that adaptive lighting would be included in this release. I tried to check github to get the status of it, but my github navigating ability only got me so far. Does anyone know when/if it is going to join core?

October 2020 ▶ nickrout


Tried FF and Safari. Not clickable for me.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ pashdown

nickrout Solution Institution

Did you try the arrow on the left hand side?

2 replies
October 2020 ▶ nickrout

nickrout Solution Institution


On firefox the arrow on the left doesn’t appear for me, but the heading is clickable and the text appears

October 2020 ▶ nickrout


I get a little chainlink icon if I hover over the header, but clicking does not reveal anything.

I know I may be old fashioned, but is linking the actual text prohibitive?

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ pashdown


Oh, now I see. It pops up “All Changes” at the bottom of the scroll down before comments. Clear as mud.

October 2020


Having an issue after the update where my camera streams from Synology are not functioning. When I click on the entities in the UI I see the following:

This entity is currently unavailable and is an orphan to a removed, changed or dysfunctional integration or device.

There are no messages in the logs indicating an issue with the synology component at startup or run time.

October 2020

nickrout Solution Institution

After clicking on the word MQTT

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ nickrout


I don’t know what was wrong initially, but this wasn’t working.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ pashdown

nickrout Solution Institution

All this bloody modern web design. What happened to grey background, and blue highlighted links? like this

1 reply
October 2020


How do i remove custom-header before upgrading?

Here are tge instructions from Mayker:

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ SoloNinja


I’m interested to hear how you go with this. For my particular TV (ST50 series) I actually got power on control but was not expecting to as I thought the TV powered off its network card. I still can’t ping it when off but Home assistant can turn it on. Very odd, but in a good way.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ tom_l


I just upgraded to 0.117 and eureka!! my TV (49FX600 Series) Works like a charm. I can power it on and off and I can toggle the volume. The only thing for me is that the state does not change, it’s always ‘ON’ regardless of I restart HA and the TV is OFF.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ SoloNinja


Can you ping it when on and when off? You might be able to monitor the state that way.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ tom_l


I can ping the TV even when it’s off… Who manages the integration now? joogs is not on the project anymore I think? Should I just create a new issue?

October 2020


Not his full name. See:

But you should open an issue in the core repository. He’s usually pretty quick to respond.

2 replies
October 2020


Oh, bugger! I’m going to miss that! :frowning:

2 replies
October 2020


Reading the whole blog post helps alot.

October 2020 ▶ Blueman2


And the hamburger menu. Useless when swipe from left works as well…

October 2020


Have I missed a breaking change in Lovelace were custom types does not work anymore? All my custom cards does not work after the update. Mini-graph, vacuum…

October 2020


Or even checking a few threads searching for BOM… that works like mad.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ mcarty


Hello, I have stupidly updated without removing the custom header. Currently, I can’t get the Lovelace screen. Anyway to solve this? I have access to IDE at least…

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ DavidFW1960


:rofl: :joy: