0.117: Quick Bar, compact header, a YAML editor, XBox and Template types

You can keep track of it here:

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Looking forward to the update! Any idea if we’ll see the ability to use broadcast messages over TTS to Google home speakers soon/ever? I use mine for notifications around the house but it’s a bit annoying when the doorbell sounds and disables all audio that was previously playing. Also would be useful to set/reset the volume on broadcasts. Fingers crossed!

You mean native? There’s lots of custom stuff you can use for that. And you can use Jinja and helpers for stuff like this.

I saw similar errors, but the update worked.

/me impatiently waits for possibility to update to pop up in supervisor…

(I know it takes time, but I am impatient!)



It was a very stable beta test.

Thanks to joogs for improving the Panasonic Viera integration. I have power control! Also looking forward to the future release of Viera remote.

If you still find the header height to be too big you can theme the size. header-height: 48px works for me (instead of the default 56px 64px).

For the Aussies, David has cloned the old BoM integration and you can install it as a custom component until Brendan’s replacement (uses the new BoM API) is released: Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS - #564 by DavidFW1960

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While I look at my supervisor page, has the version numbering of supervisor changed?




Newest Version


Could just be beta numbering.

Edit: nope. Stable has changed too.

About using TTS for notification, the link to the documentation is https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/notify.tts/


Ooo I wasn’t aware. Is there a third party custom component that does this easily? The broadcast that is. RE the volume I guess I could use helpers to get the volume before, change it, broadcast then set back but something built in would make that a lot smoother!

The new API version has been released yesterday. It’s working here. I did update the docs however I’m going to tweak them a bit today so it is more coherent and less rushed…


That was quick!

Not in the core though?

I am really excited that work has started for the new Google Nest API.

Cannot wait to ditch HOOBS for the Nest integration.

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Again a great update!

only a minor issue… Since this update my Axis camera integration has stopped working! (devices are unavailable)

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My zigbee2mqtt Edge stopped working after this update. Using 64 bit HassOS 5.4.

Try making a new thread for this.

Yeah nope. A new custom component that replaces BOM core and also the FTP custom component I had forked… so just the one custom component needed now.

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Love new slick header, but wish it was configurable. This header changes seems to effect cards placement algorithm - and there is no mentioning about this change in this post. Also calendar became very small.

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Well header-height is

The height is. See my post above.