Continue Discussion 860 replies
December 2021


@frenck and contributors: thanks for this amazing release!

December 2021


Thank you for this new release!

I am terrified on this breaking change: “The customization UI/frontend has been removed.”

What exactly does this mean? It means that I cannot longer use the “Show code editor” button when editing a card anymore?
Or it means that the “frontend” integration disappears?
Or any of them?

I am very lost on that… But thank you again for all the work!

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ pove


The customization UI is the very bottom button on the Configuration page.

3 replies
December 2021 ▶ dfederm


Thanks god… I was terrified, but it results that I am just stupid :sweat_smile:

2 replies
December 2021


You beautiful people, thank you!

December 2021


Looks great!

I get a spinning forever wheel when doing configuration validation now:

and I can’t restart:

just me :frowning: ?

Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: custom_components/alexa_media/
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 21:30:06 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 21:30:13

[140262684471056] function() argument 'code' must be code, not str
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/", line 185, in handle_call_service
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1495, in async_call
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1530, in _execute_service
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/hassio/", line 586, in async_handle_core_service
    errors = await conf_util.async_check_ha_config_file(hass)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 938, in async_check_ha_config_file
    res = await check_config.async_check_ha_config_file(hass)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 218, in async_check_ha_config_file
    platform = p_integration.get_platform(domain)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 530, in get_platform
    cache[full_name] = self._import_platform(platform_name)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 535, in _import_platform
    return importlib.import_module(f"{self.pkg_path}.{platform_name}")
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/importlib/", line 127, in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1030, in _gcd_import
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1007, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 972, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 228, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1030, in _gcd_import
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1007, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 986, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 680, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 850, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 228, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "/config/custom_components/alexa_media/", line 16, in <module>
    from alexapy import (
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alexapy/", line 16, in <module>
    from .alexaapi import AlexaAPI
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alexapy/", line 21, in <module>
    from alexapy.aiohttp import ClientConnectionError, ClientResponse
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alexapy/aiohttp/", line 6, in <module>
    from .client import (
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alexapy/aiohttp/", line 35, in <module>
    from . import hdrs, http, payload
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alexapy/aiohttp/", line 7, in <module>
    from .http_parser import (
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alexapy/aiohttp/", line 15, in <module>
    from .helpers import NO_EXTENSIONS, BaseTimerContext
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alexapy/aiohttp/", line 667, in <module>
    class CeilTimeout(async_timeout.timeout):
TypeError: function() argument 'code' must be code, not str
6 replies
December 2021

nickrout Solution Institution

Anyone having problems with 2021.12.0 and webrtc? Mine won’t load and nothing in logs.

2 replies
December 2021

marcelveldt Great contributor

They’re imported as disabled entities by default. You can enable the ones you want from settings.

December 2021 ▶ sender


I believe need to update the Alexa Media custom integration to the latest version to fix this.

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ Steven_Rollason


I do not want to hijack this marvelous release thread so I’ll stop about this topic here and create a separate one.

Be aware… anyone having alexa media player custom component installed might face this issue.

It seems to be the alexa media plugin disabling the option to restart/check config. Although there is some mentioning in the release notes, it does not solve my restart problem.

All beta’s versions in HACS, do not work including latest 3.10.15. Have submitted a bug report there.

There is some “mentioning” of this in the custom_component section on github however, but if installed I cannot restart homeassistant.

EDIT: complete reboot of the OS “solved” it

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ sender


It looks like the version of Alexa Media which fixes this is a beta release, so you will need to enable beta releases for it in HACS to see it.

December 2021

Nick4 Regular

Thanks a lot to everyone who has contributed!
Upgrade went smooth, nice xmas gift.

Happy Holidays

December 2021 ▶ nickrout


Yes, I’m having a problem with webrtc too:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 229, in _async_setup_component
    result = await task
  File "/config/custom_components/webrtc/", line 75, in async_setup
    utils.register_static_path(, url_path, path)
  File "/config/custom_components/webrtc/", line 74, in register_static_path
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 186, in __getitem__
    return self._state[key]
KeyError: 'allow_cors'

Looks like someone already entered a ticket for this…

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ pove


You are not stupid. It was not well described in the release note. I also wondered what it was all about

December 2021


Also having problems with Frigate, it won’t start and this is found in the logs:

Setup failed for frigate: Unable to import component: cannot import name 'HTTP_BAD_REQUEST' from 'homeassistant.const' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/



Looks like there’s a HACS update to fix Frigate. :exploding_head:

2 replies
December 2021


That was a VERY BAD idea to move from this menu:

to this menu:

Now I spend a lot of time to get to a section I need:

If you really need to make a menu compact:

With my all due respect…

7 replies
December 2021


Is it me or is the documentation for 2021.12 somewhat unclear and confusing?

For example, I have re-read the secion on removal of the Customization UI and I still have no idea what it’s saying. As I understand, some of that should be a part of the Entities UI (but it’s not, for me anyway). Same for Button entities - I see I can’t create those myself, but what does it mean? Where can I see these? How do I know an integration creates these or not? I’d expect a couple of examples, maybe a “Restart HA” button. Also, the documentation says they can be customized in Customization section, but that no longer exists…

I usually don’t have too much problems reading HA documentation and I’m using it for almost three years, but this particular release docs just seem rushed and unpolished.

2 replies
December 2021 ▶ Stooovie

nickrout Solution Institution

As I understand it, it is as simple as “there is no customization ui any more, you have to do it in yaml.”

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ nickrout


in that case, what does this mean? “In case you used this to change how, for example, a cover or door contact entity is shown, you can now change that by editing the entity in the UI.” See? Unclear.

One example: my door sensor was customized via the old Customization UI to act like a window sensor. The documentation tells me " additionally we have added the capability, to adjust the common device_class changes using the “Show as” feature while editing the entity from UI." but I definitely don’t see a way to do that. Not in the very entity’s UI nor Entities settings panel.

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ Stooovie

nickrout Solution Institution

Yeah, a bit confusing.

Is this referring to the ability to use the icon chooser?

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ Ildar_Gabdullin


Yeah, I kind of agree with this.

It would be nice if all the configuration sections were cards, and we could just make our own configuration dashboard :wink:

December 2021 ▶ SpikeyGG

nickrout Solution Institution

Yeah for benefit of others: install the master version from hacs.

Hacs, integrations, click the overflow menu for webrtc, redownload, choose master version.

1 reply
December 2021


One more UI change - I have no polite words for this:

Now to change some entity I always need to expand this!!!
And of course the “expand/collapse” state is not memorized locally.

This is not a progress.
This is a changing UI for changing UI.

2 replies
December 2021

nickrout Solution Institution

If you have no polite words then don’t post.

2 replies
December 2021


Anyone else having problems with the ShellyforHASS integration?
I get this:

Component error: shelly - cannot import name get_local_ip
from homeassistant.util’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/util/

This prevents me from even restarting HA.

4 replies
December 2021


After updating my shellys didn’t work anymore, it couldn’t load the integration and it was no possible to delete it.

So I had to restore the old version.

@AndyBman, yep.

1 reply
December 2021


Thanks for the update, smooth as always!

December 2021 ▶ AndyBman


Same issue! All my 40+ shellys stopped working! restore worked smooth.

December 2021 ▶ nickrout


I have no idea, probably not.

December 2021 ▶ AndyBman


You should move to the core Shelly integration, which works perfectly, or raise an issue with the developer of the 3rd party integration, ShellyforHASS.

2 replies
December 2021


That’s harsh…

1 reply
December 2021


How is the Lovelace area card installed?

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ rob0225


It is installed in the core distribution. You add it to your dashboard the same way as any other card.

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ tom_l


How do I move to the core Shelly integration?

2 replies
December 2021 ▶ tom_l


When I click to add a dashboard, it asks for a URL. What is the URL to the card?

I guess I’m not understanding how to add the card. Also, when I go into configuration mode and select “Add Card” there is not an Area card available to select.

2 replies
December 2021


Remove ShellyForHASS then…

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ rob0225


It’s a card not a dashboard.

Though there is a page under Configuration. Is that what you mean?

December 2021


Is it really? The original message is the kind of inappropriate toxic response that should not be tolerated. This is a team effort and there are much politer ways to provide feedback. Imagine you’ve worked on something for a month and what you get back is a message that states: you’ve not improved things, you’ve changed things for no reason, you’ve now made life harder for someone, and throw in some triple exclamation marks. Yes, I know the pandemic has strained all of us, many are struggling, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t respect one another. File a bug report or a suggestion; keep this kind of negativity out of what should be a positive blog post and a celebration of hard work. Thank you to everyone that worked hard on this release. :heart:

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ LongDono


So many words for a critic.

2 replies
December 2021


You can edit 2 rules, described here. That will fix it.

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ rob0225


I found it, thanks. The first time I went in there I didn’t see and area card. I see it now. Thanks!!

December 2021 ▶ Ildar_Gabdullin


Unless paid by word count, the length of a critic’s response is usually directly influenced by how much they disagree with something, sadly.

1 reply
December 2021


Thank you. Great improvements. Have a nice break.

December 2021 ▶ LongDono


No problem.

  1. Surely each release needs a lot of resources. And of course I myself very grateful for people who prepared the release.

  2. There are changes which are not considered as successful by me - even they are considered as harmful for usability (sorry for my broken english, in russian I may speak better). And I expressed my opinion. If someone finds it obsessive - I am sorry! Usually I am facing sometimes emotional disapproval with results of my job, it is ok for me since I really could make a mistake or make a wrong decision.

  3. I am dealing a lot with verifying / testing SW - and I am facing a trend like “let’s rebuild the UI / add more staff / etc” which sometimes makes a SW less convenient for use - no wonder that I am very sensitive when I see this with HA - one of my favourite projects.

December 2021 ▶ tom_l


Thanks for the help.

December 2021


I like most of the changes. Though I did add the Logs, Supervisor and Server controls back to the sidebar using Balloob’s panel redirect gist. I use them too often to go digging in the Configuration menu.


  - name: panel-redirect
    url_path: redirect-server-controls
    sidebar_title: Server Controls
    sidebar_icon: mdi:server
    module_url: /local/panel-redirect.js
      target: /config/server_control
  - name: panel-redirect
    url_path: redirect-logs
    sidebar_title: Logs
    sidebar_icon: mdi:math-log
    module_url: /local/panel-redirect.js
      target: /config/logs
  - name: panel-redirect
    url_path: redirect-devices
    sidebar_title: Devices
    sidebar_icon: mdi:devices
    module_url: /local/panel-redirect.js
      target: /config/integrations
  - name: panel-redirect
    url_path: redirect-supervisor
    sidebar_title: Supervisor
    sidebar_icon: mdi:home-assistant
    module_url: /local/panel-redirect.js
      target: /hassio/dashboard

Screenshot 2021-12-12 at 10-51-43 Administration - Home Assistant

10 replies
December 2021


I updated this afternoon to the latest core and OS, was checking out the new configuration section, and after a while, it reverted back to the old configuration menu. The supervisor is no longer available in the menu or through the configuration.

I’m accessing this through the app on IOS.

Edit: I restarted the IOS app, and it appears to be back to the updated configuration.

2 replies
December 2021


This is a very useful tuning, thank you very much!

1 reply
December 2021


Yes it is:

1 reply
December 2021


I don’t think you read my post completely.

The supervisor wasn’t available because it had reverted to the old configuration screen.

1 reply
December 2021


Unsure if anyone else has tried scene transitions with this release, but upon updating the transition timings I set seem to just be ignored. I have changes over 10-15 mins in yaml but the lights change in about 45 seconds. Setting it using the GUI to the max slider of 300 seconds seems to set a transition time of 30 seconds. Rolling back to core-2021.11.3 remedied the issue.

I use them for sun rise and evening lights off automations and the new release breaks these automations for me.

2 replies
December 2021 ▶ MarkWalsh


Try clearing the app frontend cache (app settings / debugging) then refresh the app by pulling down.

1 reply
December 2021


just upgraded(?) to core-2021.12.0 and I now get the following error:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: 4:25:33 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:25:33 PM

Unable to prepare setup for platform triones.light: Platform not found (cannot import name ‘match_max_scale’ from ‘homeassistant.util.color’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/util/

Could this be related to #59207

1 reply
December 2021


Transitions look broken for decimals.

I noticed that the some of my glance cards weren’t working after the update. In this case, my glance card activates a scene in my family room, changing the color of some hue lights. I had a transition time of 2.5 seconds and the glance card failed after updating to 21.12. A call of scene.turn_on works fine if the transition time is a whole second. A transition of 2.5 seconds isn’t currently working.

Minor issue, because, frankly, I don’t care about being that precise and have changed the transition to a full 3 seconds. If your scene activation isn’t working, check your transition time.

December 2021


My Tesla Powerwall Integration is now broken, was working before I upgraded, looks like this upgrade may have triggered something, I get the following error in the logs, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Config entry 'Home Energy Gateway' for powerwall integration not ready yet: Powerwall is unreachable: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='192.168.30.??', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/login/Basic (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fa5bebe8b50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] Host is unreachable')); Retrying in background.

2 replies
December 2021 ▶ rgoodworth.home


Oh, can can log onto my Powerwall as “Customer”, also send some API calls. Chrome did prompt me to accept a certificate, it didn’t do that pior to the upgrade.

Otherwise I love the Update, Great job again team.

December 2021


I just love HA and so inspiring to see all the team efforts to make all the integrations work. My upgrade was seamless including my Shellies! Happy xmas

December 2021


Thank you for pointing out the panel redirect gist. That saves many clicks in every day use.

December 2021


Anyone else seeing these Visual Editor warnings in the Automations UI?

This screenshot is from an automation I created via the UI earlier this week on HA 2021.11. This warning now appears above the Triggers in said Automation when I attempt to edit the Automation in 2021.12.

1 reply
December 2021


Sorry for being dumb, but for the WLED preset entity what service call is supposed to be used?

2 replies
December 2021 ▶ daphatty

balloob Founder of Home Assistant

Remove milliseconds: 0 and it should work again. We’ll fix the check

1 reply
December 2021


Awesome update! Would love to see a simple way of restricting actions to local network only (either local only users or normal user via local network) in the future.

December 2021 ▶ balloob


Thank you, sir! That did the trick!

December 2021 ▶ pbouna321

nickrout Solution Institution

According to this WLED - Home Assistant it is a select entity, so presumably select.select_option

December 2021


I have an example of using the select service here: Wled Random effects - #36 by tom_l

December 2021 ▶ SpikeyGG


The HACS update fixes WebRTC but unfortunately I think hwaccel is broken from the HA update - at least on my Raspberry Pi 4B. WebRTC all is good but in Frigate itself it’s now just a green screen for both cameras =/ disabling hwaccel makes it appear normal but drains far more CPU

December 2021


Thanks! I got it all working now.

December 2021 ▶ AndyBman


I enabled Beta, and installed 0.3.1 beta 3, and it now works.
[I did not want to have to redo all the automations and GUI elements for a different integration]

December 2021 ▶ sender


Mine will not complete validation.

December 2021


Nice release !

1 reply
December 2021


Other then needing to reboot the Host machine due to the reboot function in HA not working and throwing an error, the update went smoothly.

December 2021 ▶ francisp

nickrout Solution Institution

Thoroughly agree with you @francisp. Aside from a small and easily solved problem with WebRTC it has been great.

December 2021


Did anyone try the new button domain, by exposing it to google? How does it look like? Does it still look like a switch? Also, how to use it in Google, also with the words turn on?

December 2021


can only log in from the local netwerk

That is a new feature per user I want to use. But I am reluctant.

Because, what is a local network? I have 6 IP subnets separated by a router (firewall) of which 1 is HA in and other has devices with accounts (users) I want to limit. I think (but hope not) this is referring to local IP subnet. Correct? Or…?

The release notes state:
This new feature allows you to make users that are only allowed to log in from the local network and not from the internet or cloud.

That “could” mean local is seen as RFC1918 IP address space? Please confirm :slight_smile:

December 2021 ▶ sender


I have the same symptoms @sender describes. And also cannot complete validation for the Alexa Media custom integration. I will try removing the Alexa Media custom integration and go from there, but would love to get it working (that’s why I upgraded HA right away today… got some more troubleshooting to do).

2 replies
December 2021 ▶ pem884


Install the latest beta of AMP; it addresses this.

December 2021 ▶ pem884


Update to the beta of alexa and reboot your host

December 2021


Just noticed that my Hue zones are not working anymore. I see that all the scenes from hue are now entities but the zones are not working anymore.

I was switching them off through the “light turn off” service. With a zone name “light.downstairs”. Within Hue the zone was named “Downstairs”.

2 replies
December 2021


How does the entity customization work?

The documentation is super confusing, saying both its YAML-only now AND “additionally we have added the capability, to adjust the common device_class changes using the “Show as” feature while editing the entity from UI.”

So which is it? I definitely don’t have any “Show as” while editing am entity from UI.

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ HumanSkunk


I am having same issue, Scene transition is no longer working.

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ Raul_7


Looks like transition issue is already logged: Transition times not behaving as expected. 15 min transition is completed in under a minute. · Issue #61542 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ Raul_7


That was me who created that issue. I decided to log it as an issue as I wasn’t sure if comments in this thread would be picked up.

December 2021


Thanks for this beautiful release.
I ho have 2 issues to report.

  1. The custom:spotify-card seems to break, it keeps loading.
  2. In the automation the Flash seems missing, (in my current automation when a outside door opens, 2 of my lights will show a flash, in stead of staying on).

I dit a rollback for now.

1 reply
December 2021


You need to report this to the card developer.

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ tom_l


Thanks, I see that there is already an issue opened:)

December 2021


I can’t update to 2021.12 from 2021.11.3.

I am running supervisor 2021.12.1 and OS 7.0 and can see the following entries in the supervisor log, any ideas?

21-12-12 09:05:33 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.interface] Updating image to
21-12-12 09:05:33 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.interface] Downloading docker image Package qemux86-64-homeassistant · GitHub with tag 2021.12.0.
21-12-12 09:06:42 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.interface] Stopping homeassistant application
21-12-12 09:06:42 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API error: Received message 8:1000 is not str
21-12-12 09:06:42 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API connection is closed
21-12-12 09:07:00 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.interface] Cleaning homeassistant application
21-12-12 09:07:00 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.module] Update pulse/client.config: /data/tmp/homeassistant_pulse
21-12-12 09:07:00 INFO (SyncWorker_5) [supervisor.docker.homeassistant] Starting Home Assistant Package qemux86-64-homeassistant · GitHub with version 2021.12.0
21-12-12 09:07:00 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.core] Wait until Home Assistant is ready
21-12-12 09:07:30 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.core] Home Assistant has crashed!
21-12-12 09:07:30 CRITICAL (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.core] HomeAssistant update failed → rollback!
21-12-12 09:07:30 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.module] Create new issue IssueType.UPDATE_ROLLBACK - ContextType.CORE / None
21-12-12 09:07:30 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.core] A backup of the logfile is stored in /config/home-assistant-rollback.log
21-12-12 09:07:30 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.core] Updating Home Assistant to version 2021.11.3
21-12-12 09:07:30 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [supervisor.docker.interface] Updating image to
21-12-12 09:07:30 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [supervisor.docker.interface] Downloading docker image Package qemux86-64-homeassistant · GitHub with tag 2021.11.3.
21-12-12 09:07:31 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [supervisor.docker.interface] Cleaning homeassistant application
21-12-12 09:07:31 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.module] Update pulse/client.config: /data/tmp/homeassistant_pulse
21-12-12 09:07:31 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.docker.homeassistant] Starting Home Assistant Package qemux86-64-homeassistant · GitHub with version 2021.11.3
21-12-12 09:07:31 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.core] Wait until Home Assistant is ready
21-12-12 09:08:01 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] Starting system evaluation with state CoreState.RUNNING
21-12-12 09:08:01 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] System evaluation complete

December 2021


Hello ,

The Portainer add-on has been removed from the HA Community add-on but this is not described in the release notes.

There is no warning during the 2021-12.0 update .

Please confirm.
Thank you

2 replies
December 2021


I have a problem with my Tuya lights (Biltema) This script does not work anymore (it worked in 2021.10.6) . It changes the brightness but not the color.
I will go back to 2021.10.6

  alias: sovrum grön
  - service: light.turn_on
      device_id: c76c861f29aecb522378d46f783379cd
      - 0
      - 255
      - 0
      brightness_pct: 90
      transition: 5
  mode: single

It will work if I use rgbw_color

      - 0
      - 255
      - 0
      - 0
  mode: single
December 2021


Sonoff integration broken after 2021.12 update?

2021-12-12 09:10:58 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for sonoff: Unable to import component: cannot import name 'HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY' from 'homeassistant.const' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/
1 reply
December 2021 ▶ sd_dracula


Sonoff works okay for me …

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ c1c3r0


I wasn’t using Sonoff LAN but some other very old custom Sonoff integration.
I moved over to Sonoff LAN and all good now :ok_hand:

I do wish we could add custom links to the side bar, I can’t be the only one thinking that image
There was a custom integration that did that a while ago but it stopped working a few versions ago.

December 2021


I lost a hell lot of entities after this update. Many Z-Wave and ESPhome entities now have a *_2 added to their name and the original entities are not available anymore!

Reverting to 2021.11.5 did not solve this. Entities still messed up.
Anyone an idea how and why this happened?

1 reply
December 2021 ▶ tom_l


Brilliant! I’ve been missing that for years!

December 2021 ▶ AndyBman


same problem here! all my shellys are unreachable

December 2021 ▶ flash3d


Same issue here, lost a lot of “light” exposed to Google Assistant since the groups no longer show up from Hue integration.

1 reply
December 2021


I think this release breaks Switchbot and rainbird integrations. Switchbots stopped responding to HA and rainbird controller not contactable. Went back to 2021.11.

1 reply
December 2021


I now deleted Shelly, updated to 2021.12 and tried to install Shelly again. It doesn’t work (“can’t load”). I switched back to 2021-11.

December 2021 ▶ Ildar_Gabdullin


The most things in life cannot be accurately explained or described in a few words.

Sometimes attempts are made to do this when trying to explain something to an immature person.For example (I know my coworker meant this as a joke) try explain a cloud service outage to a 2 year old. All they know is they cannot hear their favorite music now.

December 2021


some devices present in the xiaomi miio integration are not working with the latest release of home assistant. robot vacuum and chuangmi.plug.m1 are no longer functional. some problem with this integration

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: components/xiaomi_miio/
First occurred: 12:07:32 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:07:32

Error unloading entry chuangmi.plug.m1 for xiaomi_miio
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/”, line 452, in async_unload
result = await component.async_unload_entry(hass, self) # type: ignore
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/xiaomi_miio/”, line 465, in async_unload_entry[DOMAIN].pop(config_entry.entry_id)
KeyError: ‘64f903fc67b6027e7420946d0b28bd0e’

smappee have problem to load

3 replies
December 2021


Just upgraded to 2021.12. It looks like the upgrade was succesful. BUT then I saw my add-ons where not running and also the supervisor container stopped working.

I tried to manually start the supervisior, but it stopped itself. I also tried to reboot the complete host, with no succes.

When I look in the supervisor I didn’t see any error or fatal messages. See log below.

Last I tried to reinstall supervisior with the script. But that script doesn’t exist anymore.
sudo curl -Lo
sudo bash --machine qemux86-64

I’am running on a Debian host (11.1) with all updates etc installed. Anyone who can help me looking in the right direction?

[10:10:39] INFO: Using udev information from host
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[10:10:39] INFO: Starting local supervisor watchdog...
21-12-12 10:10:39 INFO (MainThread) [__main__] Initializing Supervisor setup
21-12-12 10:10:39 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.bootstrap] Initializing Supervisor Sentry
21-12-12 11:10:39 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.bootstrap] Seting up coresys for machine: qemux86-64
21-12-12 11:10:39 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.supervisor] Attaching to Supervisor homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor with version 2021.12.1
21-12-12 11:10:39 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Updated Home Assistant API token
21-12-12 11:10:39 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't find homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor for cleanup
21-12-12 11:10:39 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] Starting system evaluation with state CoreState.INITIALIZE
21-12-12 11:10:39 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] System evaluation complete
21-12-12 11:10:39 INFO (MainThread) [__main__] Setting up Supervisor
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api] Starting API on
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.hardware.monitor] Started Supervisor hardware monitor
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.manager] Load dbus interface io.hass.os
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.manager] Load dbus interface org.freedesktop.systemd1
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.manager] Load dbus interface org.freedesktop.login1
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.manager] Load dbus interface org.freedesktop.hostname1
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.manager] Load dbus interface org.freedesktop.timedate1
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.manager] Load dbus interface org.freedesktop.NetworkManager
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.manager] Load dbus interface de.pengutronix.rauc
21-12-12 11:10:40 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.manager] Can't load dbus interface de.pengutronix.rauc: The name de.pengutronix.rauc was not provided by any .service files
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [] Updating local host information
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [] Updating service information
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [] Updating local network information
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [] Updating PulseAudio information
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [] Host information reload completed
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [] Loading AppArmor Profiles: {'hassio-supervisor'}
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Attaching to with version 2021.09.0
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Attaching to with version 2021.06.0
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.dns] Updated /etc/resolv.conf
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Attaching to with version 2021.07.0
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Attaching to with version 2021.10.0
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Attaching to homeassistant/amd64-hassio-multicast with version 2021.04.0
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.updater] Fetching update data from
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.secrets] Loaded 27 Home Assistant secrets
21-12-12 11:10:40 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Attaching to with version 2021.12.0
21-12-12 11:10:41 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.os.manager] No Home Assistant Operating System found
21-12-12 11:10:41 INFO (MainThread) [] Loading add-on /data/addons/git/cebe7a76 repository
21-12-12 11:10:41 INFO (MainThread) [] Loading add-on /data/addons/core repository
21-12-12 11:10:41 INFO (MainThread) [] Loading add-on /data/addons/git/a0d7b954 repository
21-12-12 11:10:41 INFO (MainThread) [] Loading add-on /data/addons/git/15ef4d2f repository
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.
[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] executing... 
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
1 reply