2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

I found it, thanks. The first time I went in there I didn’t see and area card. I see it now. Thanks!!

Unless paid by word count, the length of a critic’s response is usually directly influenced by how much they disagree with something, sadly.


Thank you. Great improvements. Have a nice break.

No problem.

  1. Surely each release needs a lot of resources. And of course I myself very grateful for people who prepared the release.

  2. There are changes which are not considered as successful by me - even they are considered as harmful for usability (sorry for my broken english, in russian I may speak better). And I expressed my opinion. If someone finds it obsessive - I am sorry! Usually I am facing sometimes emotional disapproval with results of my job, it is ok for me since I really could make a mistake or make a wrong decision.

  3. I am dealing a lot with verifying / testing SW - and I am facing a trend like “let’s rebuild the UI / add more staff / etc” which sometimes makes a SW less convenient for use - no wonder that I am very sensitive when I see this with HA - one of my favourite projects.


Thanks for the help.

I like most of the changes. Though I did add the Logs, Supervisor and Server controls back to the sidebar using Balloob’s panel redirect gist. I use them too often to go digging in the Configuration menu.


  - name: panel-redirect
    url_path: redirect-server-controls
    sidebar_title: Server Controls
    sidebar_icon: mdi:server
    module_url: /local/panel-redirect.js
      target: /config/server_control
  - name: panel-redirect
    url_path: redirect-logs
    sidebar_title: Logs
    sidebar_icon: mdi:math-log
    module_url: /local/panel-redirect.js
      target: /config/logs
  - name: panel-redirect
    url_path: redirect-devices
    sidebar_title: Devices
    sidebar_icon: mdi:devices
    module_url: /local/panel-redirect.js
      target: /config/integrations
  - name: panel-redirect
    url_path: redirect-supervisor
    sidebar_title: Supervisor
    sidebar_icon: mdi:home-assistant
    module_url: /local/panel-redirect.js
      target: /hassio/dashboard

Screenshot 2021-12-12 at 10-51-43 Administration - Home Assistant


I updated this afternoon to the latest core and OS, was checking out the new configuration section, and after a while, it reverted back to the old configuration menu. The supervisor is no longer available in the menu or through the configuration.

I’m accessing this through the app on IOS.

Edit: I restarted the IOS app, and it appears to be back to the updated configuration.

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This is a very useful tuning, thank you very much!

Yes it is:

I don’t think you read my post completely.

The supervisor wasn’t available because it had reverted to the old configuration screen.

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Unsure if anyone else has tried scene transitions with this release, but upon updating the transition timings I set seem to just be ignored. I have changes over 10-15 mins in yaml but the lights change in about 45 seconds. Setting it using the GUI to the max slider of 300 seconds seems to set a transition time of 30 seconds. Rolling back to core-2021.11.3 remedied the issue.

I use them for sun rise and evening lights off automations and the new release breaks these automations for me.

Try clearing the app frontend cache (app settings / debugging) then refresh the app by pulling down.

just upgraded(?) to core-2021.12.0 and I now get the following error:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:291
First occurred: 4:25:33 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:25:33 PM

Unable to prepare setup for platform triones.light: Platform not found (cannot import name ‘match_max_scale’ from ‘homeassistant.util.color’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/util/color.py)).

Could this be related to #59207

Transitions look broken for decimals.

I noticed that the some of my glance cards weren’t working after the update. In this case, my glance card activates a scene in my family room, changing the color of some hue lights. I had a transition time of 2.5 seconds and the glance card failed after updating to 21.12. A call of scene.turn_on works fine if the transition time is a whole second. A transition of 2.5 seconds isn’t currently working.

Minor issue, because, frankly, I don’t care about being that precise and have changed the transition to a full 3 seconds. If your scene activation isn’t working, check your transition time.

My Tesla Powerwall Integration is now broken, was working before I upgraded, looks like this upgrade may have triggered something, I get the following error in the logs, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Config entry 'Home Energy Gateway' for powerwall integration not ready yet: Powerwall is unreachable: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='192.168.30.??', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/login/Basic (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fa5bebe8b50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] Host is unreachable')); Retrying in background.

Oh, can can log onto my Powerwall as “Customer”, also send some API calls. Chrome did prompt me to accept a certificate, it didn’t do that pior to the upgrade.

Otherwise I love the Update, Great job again team.

I just love HA and so inspiring to see all the team efforts to make all the integrations work. My upgrade was seamless including my Shellies! Happy xmas

Thank you for pointing out the panel redirect gist. That saves many clicks in every day use.


Anyone else seeing these Visual Editor warnings in the Automations UI?

This screenshot is from an automation I created via the UI earlier this week on HA 2021.11. This warning now appears above the Triggers in said Automation when I attempt to edit the Automation in 2021.12.

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Sorry for being dumb, but for the WLED preset entity what service call is supposed to be used?