Continue Discussion 310 replies
April 2023


Nice. How do those of us not running HA OS install Piper? Is there going a docker image for us?

4 replies
April 2023


Who’s going to be the first person to hook up a badge worn on your shirt that when you tap it it chirps and listens for your voice … sounds familiar!

3 replies
April 2023


Wow, an ESP speaker for $13 seems like such a steal! Out of curiosity, does anyone know if there’s a way to make something like the M5 work using a keyword wake up instead of pressing the button? These are small enough to hide them around the place easily as long as we can wake them using words instead of pressing a button!

April 2023 ▶ Wizbowes

balloob Founder of Home Assistant

1 reply
April 2023


Wow so much text and options for “The Voice” (let’s hope it’s more positive than the Dutch variant :-).

It seems the [ATOM Echo Smart Speaker Development Kit | m5stack-store]
Is sold out most places.

Any good alternative?

1 reply
April 2023


Can the voip integration use the touchto e buttons of a phone to trigger automations?

April 2023


Will this work for a PCI or USB audio device connected to HAOS? I’ve been frustrated with Genie and trying to get the Google SDK to work (can’t find device registration anymore), so it’d be rad if I could use the USB speakerphone I have connected for that purpose, especially if it can be made to listen for a hot phrase of some kind.

April 2023 ▶ balloob


Awesome - thank you.

April 2023


When you have already started to talk about hardware I have to ask what’s are your plans? Because after 1,5 year of playing with and using Rhasspy I can say that ESP-32 with a simple microphone (like the Atom Echo) works … but you need to be in the environment without much ambient noise, talk in the direction of the microphone and not be too far. Anything outside of this norm degrades output very quickly. So it’s good for development, but IMHO makes it a poor replacement for something like Amazon Alexa. There are reasons why Alexa is using a 4 microphone array (I think) and probably DSP for audio processing, and IMHO ESP-32 isn’t up to task (performance wise). Maybe ESP-32-S3, but last time (almost a year ago) I checked there were no open source libraries available for necessary audio processing (far-field voice recognition, beamforming, noise cancelation). So, back to my original question, what are your plans for audio processing before it is sent to STT?

1 reply
April 2023 ▶ Wizbowes


Yep :slightly_smiling_face:

3 replies
April 2023 ▶ bambi125


We’re looking into 2+ mic hardware solutions that can do beamforming, noise suppression, auto gain control, etc. There are plenty of boards that do this, but we also need to run a good open source wake word model on it and have it be trainable with open source, local tooling.

2 replies
April 2023


Phenomenal and really exciting work! Do you all see the possibility of supporting RTSP streams as an input method for Assist? A lot of people already have cameras around that could function quite well for this.

April 2023


What about voice between humans?

We currently lack two-way audio for things like doorbell cameras.

April 2023


I watched the video then immediately bought 2 m5 atom echoes, a Grandstream and an old-timey phone.

April 2023


Huh, I have ESP32-S3 Box with that proprietary “hi ESP” stuff on it. Wonder if I can use it with ESPHome for control, and how wake word will be assigned (looks like there’s no mechanism for it yet).

1 reply
April 2023 ▶ synesthesiam


any idea on how to pass model/language in docker-compose. the below is not working

## wyoming
    container_name: whisper
    image: rhasspy/wyoming-whisper
      - /root/docker/whisper:/data
      - TZ=Australia/Adelaide
      - model=medium-int8
      - language=en
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: cust_bridge
      - 10300:10300

    container_name: piper
    image: rhasspy/wyoming-piper
      - /root/docker/piper:/data
      - TZ=Australia/Adelaide
      - voice=en-us-lessac-medium
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: cust_bridge
      - 10200:10200
1 reply
April 2023


Awesome development!

Will I be able to connect HA to my telefone system through SIP, so I can call my home assistant from anywhere to have a chat?

April 2023


This looks awesome! Can’t wait to play around with it! Though I’ll admit my main wish is that someone will make the voice of JARVIS available for it!

1 reply
April 2023 ▶ cpuram


Instead of environment variables you have to put in the command line options for voice, model,… under the command: tag

version: "3"
## wyoming
    container_name: whisper
    command: --model medium --language nl
    image: rhasspy/wyoming-whisper
      - ./whisper:/data
      - TZ=Europe/Brussels
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 10300:10300

    container_name: piper
    image: rhasspy/wyoming-piper
    command: --voice nl-nathalie-x-low
      - ./piper:/data
      - TZ=Europe/Brussels
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 10200:10200
3 replies
April 2023


Is there a place to manually find the esphome yaml file so I can integrate it like all my other esphome devices? Update, change, etc.? Or will that be done by this script?

1 reply
April 2023


+1 for support for two way audio using VoIP!! ;:wink:

April 2023 ▶ tipofthesowrd



thanks a lot. that worked.

April 2023 ▶ Stubbs


I love it!
Include a BLE tracker for room presence detection as well as cabled (magnetic?) recharging and you’re golden.

April 2023


Is there any chance of hooking up other existing devices with a voice assistant interface? (Such as Sonos, which are not owned by one of the big players in the voice assistant market)

This would mean quality hardware people might already have, and the privacy of Home Assistant.

2 replies
April 2023


I like the way forward. :slight_smile:

On the other hand, until even typed commands (here German language) is not doing, what I’m expecting (or what is described or at least how I’m understanding it) in terms of “rules” of sentence spoken, etc. it’s hard to go this way further.

Is there a dedicated thread/entry/… for such problems/questions regarding the commands, etc, where they are not overlokked if hidden in release-threads, etc?

3 replies
April 2023 ▶ JelleKoster


I second this with the variation of wanting to use Denon Home speakers. However they are Google assistant and Amazon compatible as far as I know, so maybe they are already locked up?

April 2023 ▶ arganto


I have similar problems… Can’t even ask assist what the temperature is in my rooms despite me having sensors everywhere. As far as I understand the command was designed for thermostats, but my sensors also know the temperature, so why am I not able to use these?

April 2023 ▶ JelleKoster


I have a bunch of Google Nest Mini (2nd Generation) at home. It would be amazing if I could flash the existing chip with custom (ESPHome?) firmware, or break it open and somehow attach a different (ESP-based?) microcontroller to the existing speaker array and power supply.

2 replies
April 2023


Wow … a lot to unpack there.
So for those of us who are doing this all locally without the HA cloud subscription (and I’m possibly a bit slow on the uptake) do we need all of these components … ie do we need the Piper and Whisper add ons and the Wyoming integration, plus whatever voice input/output device such as the M5Stack Echo or VOIP integration ?

April 2023 ▶ kasper1


I am thinking the same about my alexas… kill them and bring them alive with an esp… reuse speaker and mic…

April 2023


It would be great if it was possible to connect bluetooth headsets/speakers to Home Assistant through ESP32 or other bluetooth bridge. This would open up multiple hardware solutons for TTS and/or STT.

April 2023


Unfortunately I can’t get my hands on an m5stack echo in the short term. I was wondering if it would be possible to use an Ai thinker Esp32-A1s audio kit, which I have lying around.

There are two microphones, buttons and an audio out on it. Does anybody have experience with this?

April 2023


Is it possible to exclude the automation domain from things that assist can control? I have some automations with similar names to lights. Assist has a habit of turning off my automations!

1 reply
April 2023


Will it be possible to activate the microphones by voice?
For example, I can turn on the light directly with a button and I don’t have to activate the microphone with a button and then use my voice.
Without activating the microphone, it would lose its meaning.

1 reply
April 2023 ▶ pepe59


This was discussed in the livestream; not part of current developments but they are looking into it.

April 2023 ▶ isaacolsen94


JARVIS ? we need the ultimate computer ORAC !

April 2023 ▶ synesthesiam


My compose file:

    container_name: piper
    image: rhasspy/wyoming-piper
      - "10200:10200"
      - /path/data:/data
    command: "--voice en-gb-southern_english_female-low"
    restart: unless-stopped

Which works fine

2 replies
April 2023


With all this native support, it would be cool if the Home Assistant Android app would let you set it as the system voice assistant. I don’t have Google Assistant enabled for privacy reasons, but this I would use!

April 2023 ▶ Wizbowes


Just use the core beta and setup the wyoming integration pointed at port 10200

April 2023 ▶ kasper1


This so much this…

April 2023


Have you looked at the wake word engine from espressif (WakeNet)?

1 reply
April 2023 ▶ sky3walker


We have. It works well, but you have to pay them for any customization: Espressif Speech Wake-up Solution Customization Process - ESP32-S3 - — ESP-SR latest documentation

April 2023


@synesthesiam, is piper planned to support other arch in the future? I noticed the only image currently is for arm64.


1 reply
April 2023


Excellent progress, and such a wide set of options from ESP32 speakers to VoIP!

Are there any plans to create an Android solution so that those using tablets or Sonoff NSPanel Pros (or Tuya T6E screens) can interact using voice? Something like a background app that listens for a wake word and feeds your words into HA Assist? My guess is that there may already be a Tasker-based solution that I’m unaware of, though.

April 2023 ▶ Wetzel402


Piper supports both amd64 (x86_64) and arm64. The images should support both architectures as well. Where are you seeing otherwise?

1 reply
April 2023 ▶ Stubbs


look also many years for such a badge

April 2023 ▶ synesthesiam


Sorry, maybe I need to be more specific. I run a NAS server with arm7 architecture.

April 2023


I have published some interesting content that I believe will be useful for going forward with Voice in OpenAI powered assistant. But don’t care about the name.

You see what will be cool for a voice assistant to do.

Let’s say you’re cooking dinner and you run out of a key ingredient. If your Home Assistant is integrated with Grocy, no problem! Just ask your to suggest a substitute, or even offer up a recipe that uses the ingredients you have on hand. And if you’re feeling extra lazy, your it can even order takeout for you.

April 2023


Great updates.

Is the Grandstream GS-HT802 (2 lines) also supported on the new VoIP integration? Would both lines be connected direct to home assistant or could one be free for regular VoIP?

April 2023


Why can’t the large model be used for whisper? Unfortunately, for languages other than English, smaller models are very inaccurate and make it unusable.

April 2023


I have a brunch of wall mounted old tablets running the companion app. Those all have microphones! Is there a chance we can get the companion app to do some of this listening?

2 replies
April 2023


There is a Rhasspy Android App (obviously without active development)

This works great with rhasspy, so i guess sooner or later something like this will be native in home assistant companion.
Would love it! Also as media Player.
But i’m also fine with the MPD App
ESPHome als MediaPlayer / Assist Satellites. That’s great as well!

1 reply
April 2023


So, I can call Home Assistant on a phone…can it ring the receiver for notifications?

April 2023


I think I missed something from the video. Could someone give me an explanation considering that I could have done just the stupidest mistake ever?
I installed Piper and Whisper. They both triggered the integration “configure” button and clicking on it went fine as expected. I went on enabling both for the default assistant and the “try voice” command form the bottom of the TTS box let me get the nice playback of what I wrote in the box.
I still cannot make the assistant answer me with a TTS response along with the text one I obviously got until now when I asked “turn on the living room main light”. Even if the light does indeed get on.
What didn’t I understand? What is the setting that enables the voice response that the video shows in the 13:00 demo?

April 2023


Why is this when I want to install piper? Is above only available next month?
You are running Home Assistant 2023.4.6, to update to this version of the add-on you need at least version 2023.5.0.dev20230418 of Home Assistant

I flashed an M5 and its in HA:

But I get a red light and following logging:

Using 'COM12' as serial port.
Showing logs:
[21:13:30][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Button': Sending state ON
[21:13:30][D][voice_assistant:065]: Requesting start...
[21:13:30][W][voice_assistant:067]: Could not request start.
[21:13:30][D][light:035]: 'M5Stack Atom Echo a63938' Setting:
[21:13:30][D][light:046]:   State: ON
[21:13:30][D][light:058]:   Red: 100%, Green: 0%, Blue: 0%
[21:13:30][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Button': Sending state OFF
[21:13:30][D][voice_assistant:073]: Signaling stop...
[21:13:31][D][light:035]: 'M5Stack Atom Echo a63938' Setting:
[21:13:31][D][light:046]:   State: OFF
[21:13:31][D][api:102]: Accepted
[21:13:31][D][api.connection:961]: Home Assistant 2023.4.6 ( Connected successfully
[21:13:45][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Button': Sending state ON
[21:13:45][D][voice_assistant:065]: Requesting start...
[21:13:45][W][voice_assistant:067]: Could not request start.
[21:13:45][D][light:035]: 'M5Stack Atom Echo a63938' Setting:
[21:13:45][D][light:046]:   State: ON
[21:13:45][D][light:058]:   Red: 100%, Green: 0%, Blue: 0%
[21:13:45][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Button': Sending state OFF
[21:13:45][D][voice_assistant:073]: Signaling stop...
[21:13:46][D][light:035]: 'M5Stack Atom Echo a63938' Setting:
[21:13:46][D][light:046]:   State: OFF

Is it not working because of the above?

Please can you also answer above?

1 reply
April 2023 ▶ bvhme


Indeed, with Android you can set the app for (voice) assistance (idk for Apple). If we could set this to the HA companion app then it would require no additional hardware :raised_hands:

April 2023 ▶ sender


In case you are in NL: still a few left at TinyTronics at the moment! Be quick! :slight_smile:

1 reply
April 2023 ▶ jkoopsen


Thx, managed to buy 2 at another shop

April 2023 ▶ ei23


Thanks for showing me this, i just installed. It does work pretty well though sometimes it fails to handle intent, and i have to hit the microphone even to get wakeword to still work. But damn if its not the easiest sattellite ive setup yet!

April 2023 ▶ Stubbs


You joke, but I could seriously see someone doing this, even right now with the M5, it would really just need a battery to power it and the thing is super low energy already, it wouldn’t be that uninmaginable, and would personally love something like this no matter how much fun I get made of lol!

2 replies
April 2023

koying Know-it-All

Sorry if I missed it, but where can I find the ESPHome sources of the M5Stack Echo " $13 voice remote for Home Assistant" project?

I have a MAX98357A amp and a INMP441 from a similar project I did for Rhasspy.

I’m not really sure if you can do both input and output I2S audio so easily :wink:

1 reply
April 2023 ▶ koying

nickrout Solution Institution

I think it is here GitHub - esphome/media-players: This repo hosts known, tested devices that can server as media players to Home Assistant. (but why are we having to guess).

1 reply
April 2023


Really interested to see if there will be support for SIP-based “paging” equipment like speakers and microphones.

The phone trick mentioned here is cool, but that Grandstream device speaks SIP, and it definitely would be easier to set up, more extensible, and a million times more awesome if Home Assistant could speak SIP as well

April 2023


Can the docs be updated to include that the audio pipeline needs a HTTPS connection (even with the companion app)? Spent most of the morning messaging around with my setup & the companion app, including even trying some android sip clients to see if they’d work with the new VOIP setup, and was expecting the issue to be that the companion app needed an update not the http(local)/https(remote) HAProxy setup I have.

Suspect a fair amount will fall into this http config issue and wonder why audio doesn’t work for them.

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ tipofthesowrd


Piper started OK with this but Whisper is failing to start with the following. Anyone also had this issue or have a solution?

INFO:__main__:Downloading FasterWhisperModel.MEDIUM to /data stderr
09:54:29 Traceback (most recent call last): stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 197, in _run_module_as_main stderr
09:54:29 return _run_code(code, main_globals, None, stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 87, in _run_code stderr
09:54:29 exec(code, run_globals) stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/wyoming_faster_whisper/", line 132, in <module> stderr
09:54:29 stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 44, in run stderr
09:54:29 return loop.run_until_complete(main) stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 642, in run_until_complete stderr
09:54:29 return future.result() stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/wyoming_faster_whisper/", line 75, in main stderr
09:54:29 model_dir = download_model(model, args.download_dir) stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/wyoming_faster_whisper/", line 41, in download_model stderr
09:54:29 with urlopen(model_url) as response: stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/", line 214, in urlopen stderr
09:54:29 return, data, timeout) stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/", line 523, in open stderr
09:54:29 response = meth(req, response) stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/", line 632, in http_response stderr
09:54:29 response = self.parent.error( stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/", line 561, in error stderr
09:54:29 return self._call_chain(*args) stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/", line 494, in _call_chain stderr
09:54:29 result = func(*args) stderr
09:54:29 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/", line 641, in http_error_default stderr
09:54:29 raise HTTPError(req.full_url, code, msg, hdrs, fp) stderr
09:54:29 urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
2 replies
May 2023


Is there a Piper and Whisper setup for us docker users?

For future me.

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ OzGav


No internet in the container so it can’t download the required model also not all combinations of models are available.

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ pcwii


Yes look up the thread. That is what I am trying to setup

May 2023 ▶ tipofthesowrd


Is there a list of supported models? I am after English anything that will run ok on a Synology 920+

May 2023

koying Know-it-All

Thanks Nick :+1:
I guess specifically this yaml:

2 replies
May 2023 ▶ koying

nickrout Solution Institution

Yes I believe so, I was trying to point to the directory with the other hardware support too.

May 2023 ▶ OzGav


I hit the same with the medium model too in en.

These two tries gave the 404:

--model medium --language en
--model medium

This one did not give a 404 and starts fine:
--model small --language en

Which is weird because the faster-whisper python package downloads from guillaumekln (Guillaume Klein) which has both medium.en and small.en

1 reply
May 2023

koying Know-it-All

Warning: looks like ESPHome currently only supports PDM microphone like the one in the M5 Echo, not “pure” I2S ones like the INMP441 (was wondering why I couldn’t specify WS/SCK pins)

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ Toddstar


Every page of documentation has a link to submit an update. There you go.

May 2023


I have seen the live stream, and it is great that we now have the esphome voice assistant client (the old Rhasspy Satellite)

but is there also coming a client (satelite) for the raspberry pi or other pc software?

In my living room I have a raspberry pi touchscreen with a WM8960_Audio_HAT this one has mics build in. I bought this always with in my mind to run it as a rhasspy satelite. but now that this is build in home assistant, I do not want to install Rhasspy any more.

currently I see the falsest why to run this is to install some kind of voip/sip client on my raspberry pi. it would be nice to have some sort of voice client software.(can be in the browser it is running chrome)

May 2023


@synesthesiam which is the correct address to call Home Assistant Assist using the android sip client mizudroid?

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ sender


Why is this not answered?

2 replies
May 2023 ▶ sender


2023.5 is released on Wednesday.

May 2023 ▶ sender


The answer is in your post. You aren’t running the required version of HA for this.

May 2023


May 2023


We’ve added a new [Voice Assistant]( component that allows you to use ESPHome devices as an input for [assist]( in Home Assistant 2023.5 or later.

is it work for someone with 2023.5.0dev core? is someone try it?

Because im still in 2023.4.6 core i understand i have to wait tomorow.

But in my second instance of HA which is 2023.5.0dev still not work when i press the button, i mean i doesnt have the error about start voice_assistant could not start, i mean, it seems it start but nothing append in HA, no response.


1 reply
May 2023

koying Know-it-All

You should wait for the release, or seek support on discord, as you were already told on the ESPHome github. No need to cross-post the same question.

May 2023

koying Know-it-All

Maybe stupid question, but is there a way to use a plain microphone attached to a PC to test the voice functionality? Besides the ESPHome way, it’s not clear to me how to feed HA with voice data…

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ koying


Yes, just configure your voice assistant and use Assist icon in top right corner of your dashboard

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ vajdum


Once the voip integration is installed, it should be the IP of your Home Assistant server with port 5060.

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ Arquiteto

koying Know-it-All

Thanks. Are you talking about this?
I had the microphone icon at the red spot (I guess that’s what you mean) on one chromium browser at one point, but I cannot get it back anymore :roll_eyes:

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ koying


Yes. Is your voice assistant configured with speech-to-text engine? Are you connected via HTTPS?

1 reply
May 2023

koying Know-it-All

Ah ok, my test HA is not SSL enabled. Will try that, thanks.

May 2023


I have to re-ask here. Is there a thread or area where such questions (why is this or that in commands) not working oder not working as expected or …?

So instead of opening separate threads here where most probably the rule knowing people, language repsonsibles, etc. will not even see them.

2 replies
May 2023 ▶ arganto


This is the best place as it is full of people interested in the feature.

The reason you probably did not get an answer is because your question was far too vague.

What specifically is not working?

Give examples.

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ tom_l


E.g., If syntax is

"Wie [hoch|niedrig] ist die Temperatur [<von_dem>] <name>"


"Wie ist die Temperatur Heizung Büro"

work, if the Entity Name is “Heizung Büro”?

3 replies
May 2023 ▶ arganto


Unfortunately I don’t know as I don’t speak German.

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ tom_l


Shouldn’t matter here, should it? Read it technically. Even if the words would be xxx or yyy. I follow the rule, think so.

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ arganto


Nope. No idea what you are saying.

What is a von_dem?

What is a hoch|niedrig?

1 reply
May 2023 ▶ tom_l


Doesn’t matter either. [] are optional parts.

but to skip this language topic, let the rule be

"aaa [bbb|ccc] ddd eee fff [ggg] <name>"


"aaa ddd eee fff <name>"

work if “Heizung Büro” is the name of the climate entity?

1 reply
May 2023


So I can substitute anything. Right, lets try asking:

“[squirrel] nuts car fridge [orange]”

It’s just nonsense. Which is what your aaa bbb ccc is. Give specific examples. In the forum language (English).

2 replies
May 2023 ▶ tom_l


Sorry Tom, you are on a wrong path. Then you don’t know that this is only a rules engine, which do a word by word comparison with further rules like |, [], <>, … (see above link as well) It is completely not relevant, which are the words here. There is no meaning behind it for the filling weorkds in this rules. Even your example would work, if there is a rule, which corresponds to this schema". But your schema doen’t exist, so my answer would be “your rule does not exist” or wrongly called. The rule I want to call is existing (see link) and I call it with the example, which (in my opinion) should work because of the optional parts and the 1:1 comparison of the words, etc.". So the question is here, why it is not working or should it work and is is perhaps because of the two word entity name or …

And of course, I gave the most specific questions, even with the link to the rule.

If perhaps only the german template is not working (or the path of calling and working with the result), it doen’t make any sense to translate them. Because then I use a rule, which is not existing or another rule, which is perhaps working but without an aswer, why this specific rule is not working. Same if you would ask someone to translate jinja2 if, then, else to another language. Then the answer would be, that it is not working, because it has to be if then else.

I appreciate your help always and here as well, but if you don’t know the rule engine, then it is ofc completely fine and perhaps another one has an idea for my example.

1 reply
May 2023


Which was why I wanted a specific example, to check the rule/intent.

As you have failed to supply one I can’t help.

2 replies
May 2023

nickrout Solution Institution

This is pretty specific. What is he missing?

2 replies
May 2023

koying Know-it-All

Just a random thought, w/o knowing how the engine works, from a regexp perspective: this tells me “hochorniedrig”, so it makes sense to me that nothing, as in Wie ist, wouldn’t work

1 reply