0.109: New integrations page and weather card, frontend lost weight

The new weather card is very odd. On my smaller tablets it only shows three days. But on my laptop it will show five days. Also I notice that if it is going to rain it does not show the amount below the day anymore.

Small Tablet View:

Laptop View:

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First thing I did but didnā€™t fix it.
The problem was hassio_supervisor that refused to stay in running state, had to recreate the container.
After that all started to run better and some addon was recreated, like NPM.
And sidebar got screwed a bit with missing icons, but that was the minor issue.
Now itā€™s running fine for like 10 hours so Iā€™m back to normality.

Thank you for the reply. But in this case I will stay with 0.108.9. Maybe it will be solved in a higher versionā€¦ first time I have downgraded the system :face_with_monocle:

0.109.3 can you fix the CRYPT module / Windows?
Can you offer a substitute built in or remove the crypt attempt on windows installation?

Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration homekit_controller:
The crypt module is not supported on Windows

Reading the docs. Since name has been removed as a config option for now itā€™s impossible to see up multiples. And if you look at the example in the docs youā€™ll see itā€™s not under sensor:. The breaking change could have been better worded.

had the same problem with hassio_supervisor in another installation: HA was working fine untill rebooted, then HA wasnā€™t able to load frontend and hassio_supervisor logs showed error about connectivity to homeassistant container.

ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].,
INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize

Had to recreate hassio_supervisor container to fix it and then recreate all sidebar link to addons.
Not needed to recreate homeassistant container, just hassio_supervisor.

Yet it is possible to rename integrations directly within UI. Here is what I see for integrated NAS (that was renamed by me in UI after integration was completed - Rename button visible):

Screenshot 2020-05-02 at 13.38.18

and here is non integrated instance:

Screenshot 2020-05-02 at 13.38.30

So even before integration is has different name assigned. Also looking ar entities registry I can see for integrated instance that name I gave in UI is transferred:

                "connection_class": "cloud_poll",
                "data": {
                    "host": "",
                    "password": "xxxx",
                    "port": 5001,
                    "ssl": true,
                    "username": "hassio"
                "domain": "synology_dsm",
                "entry_id": "cab72e83b5af4999afde2dcc3808eb04",
                "options": {},
                "source": "ssdp",
                "system_options": {
                    "disable_new_entities": false
                "title": "XPEnology NAS",
                "unique_id": "xxxxxxxxxx",
                "version": 1

So Iā€™d assume it should not be a problem to have another instance with unique entity_id, title and unique_idā€¦ Also I do not see issue with sensors, that could get _2 suffix, as any other.
But well, Iā€™m not expert in this area for sureā€¦ just my viewā€¦
If youā€™re right though then it would be nice to see some error message rather explaining that it is not possible to integrate second unit, than wait indefinitelly on spinning wheel screen.

To be honest - no. Have looked at them before, but they doesnā€™t help me :frowning:
Right now Iā€™m batteling this issue about I/O in MainThread, but canā€™t seem to figure out the right way to incorporate async in the module :frowning:

Does someone know how to change scan_interval for integrations that are UI only?

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Hop on discord and ask in #dev_core plenty of helpful people there

in 0.109.2 The snapshot page is not updated after removing snapshots with Samba.
It keeps showing the ā€œoldā€ snapshots also

Thanks it working fine now.

Is there a way to now see the graph of an entity not used in the UI?

I used to like to check how often my mqtt esp32 disconnected from my network by going to my openmqtt integration and you could click on any entity and see a graph. The mqtt esp32 would show connected and disconnected times, my temp sensors would show graphs
When clicked on. I donā€™t need all of these in the UI but the new integration views have taken away the ability to click and see a graph.

Dev tools states page or history tab

So it seems that Philips Hue Smart Buttons are now supported, but I can only see their battery levels, not button clicks. How can I fix this?


Check for events

I also have this error. I do not have websocket_api in my configuration.yaml. This error did not show up in 0.108.9.

Didnā€™t work for me,both Google Home Miniā€™s are unavailable. Alexa does work however.

I also donā€™t like itā€¦ But my main problem is that I donā€™t get days forecast anymore, I only get hour for hourā€¦?! Whyā€¦ Canā€™t seem to configure the length of the forecast anywhereā€¦ Before I had at least 5 days forecast.