0.112: Making things faster; Logbook & History

I would strongly recommend getting some Ubiquiti gear. The backup and restore functions are fantastic, and the gear itself is almost bulletproof.

Give everything static IPs then you never have to have that worry again. I’m sure there are other good brands, but I found when I moved from a high end ASUS and TP-Link router to Ubiquiti, the difference in function was night and day.

Food for thought.


Hangout does not seem to connect anymore ? Always get time-outs

Logger: homeassistant.core
Source: /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py:157
First occurred: 1 July 2020, 19:15:21 (14 occurrences)
Last logged: 06:03:10

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hangups/client.py", line 138, in connect
    await self._listen_future
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hangups/channel.py", line 191, in listen
    await self._fetch_channel_sid()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hangups/channel.py", line 257, in _fetch_channel_sid
    res = await self.send_maps([])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hangups/channel.py", line 233, in send_maps
    'post', CHANNEL_URL, params=params, data=data_dict
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hangups/http_utils.py", line 81, in fetch
    raise exceptions.NetworkError(error_msg)
hangups.exceptions.NetworkError: Request timed out

@kanga_who Jason, Totally agree. The Ubiquiti Unifi kit is awesome. I installed their wi-fi access point last week. I should have got their router as well, but at least I got an good pfSence based device from Netgate.


+1 on this. Awesome gear. I’m using the Edge Router so I have PoE as well

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There can be an 8 hr delay - it only checks every 8 hrs I believe

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The updater binary sensor hasn’t actually worked since 0.110 update for me. 0.111: Frontend loaded sooner, Elexa Guardian, Unify Circuit, Acmeda

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I remember checking this a while ago. This line leads me to believe it is 24 hours.



Hmm… See I never wait for it so I have not noticed.

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happening here too

I wonder if it’s supposed to be 1 hour instead of 1 day?

After upgrading to 0.112 the Logs tabs in Developer tools panel is missing. Supervisor logs show the following error: ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.docker] Docker logging driver json-file is not supported!

it got moved, read the update notes


OMG, did read it, but lost it somehow. Thanks!

That has been there for a long time. You need to configure docker to use journald logging.

Hey there! Thanks for your work. Just curious, what db is now used? Are we finally leaving sqlite?

No sqlite is still the default, the db is just optimized. There are plenty of other options though.

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Up to you. SQLite is default but addons for mariadb

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Yet another fantastic release. Great work guys!

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I like the upgrades to states, I hope we also can get the “for” functionality for numeric states. So one can use things like:

        below: 100
          seconds: 60

Now you can only use “for” for regular states, not numeric ones.

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There is an open bug on updater not working for some people https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/33142