0.112: Making things faster; Logbook & History

happening here too

I wonder if it’s supposed to be 1 hour instead of 1 day?

After upgrading to 0.112 the Logs tabs in Developer tools panel is missing. Supervisor logs show the following error: ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.docker] Docker logging driver json-file is not supported!

it got moved, read the update notes


OMG, did read it, but lost it somehow. Thanks!

That has been there for a long time. You need to configure docker to use journald logging.

Hey there! Thanks for your work. Just curious, what db is now used? Are we finally leaving sqlite?

No sqlite is still the default, the db is just optimized. There are plenty of other options though.

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Up to you. SQLite is default but addons for mariadb

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Yet another fantastic release. Great work guys!

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I like the upgrades to states, I hope we also can get the “for” functionality for numeric states. So one can use things like:

        below: 100
          seconds: 60

Now you can only use “for” for regular states, not numeric ones.

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There is an open bug on updater not working for some people https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/33142

The new logbook date interval may sound very nice.

But it still does not work on an iPad. And I have several iPads. It does not work on any of them. There is the date picker. There is a white screen. If you click on the white area you see the same pop up info as you do on a computer so the data is there. It is just invisible.
It smells like a CSS bug which only triggers on an iPad Safari browser.

The bug https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/issues/3340 has been open now for a year.

Will this ever get a little tender touch of love from front end developers?

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iPad issues

Hmmm ! Not sure, but perhaps it’s a non compliance issue at the Safari end.
Not sure I’d want HA to deviate due to a wrinkle in a single browser.
Have you logged it as a git hub issue ?

I would say that it would be better to have the issue looked at from both ends but I don’t see apple very motivated to persue this

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Is anyone else missing the hamburger icon on the Configuration side panel?

Still showing on mine Dave


Hi All,

I see this in the text how to combine entities in 1 condition:

  - platform: state
      - light.kitchen
      - light.living_room
      - light.office
    state: 'on'

Will this also work. Because all my automations using this. Or do I change - condition now to - platform?

    - condition: state
      entity_id: sun.sun
      state: "below_horizon"

    - condition: state
        - switch.scene_evening
        - switch.scene_goodnight
        - sensor.harmony
      state: "off"

Or do i change it to:

    - platform: state
      entity_id: sun.sun
      state: "below_horizon"

    - platform: state
        - switch.scene_evening
        - switch.scene_goodnight
        - sensor.harmony
      state: "off"


That’s not the hamburger menu when you open it up…

The new configuration options will not break legacy rules (at least for the moment and you’ll get lots of notice when they do)
Both statements seem valid to me and they are the same number of lines.
Though with automations, I’ve never seen a condition not needing a double condition header before listing the conditions, this looks more like a script to me

Thank you for the feedback. All my automations are this way.
What I will do is change them to how the example shows it. Then 1, I learned something and 2, when they will change im good how it must be.