0.113: Automations & Scripts, and even more performance!

Thank you for you clarification. You are completely right I was executing the script from a button card added in the frontend and it was canceling the script exactly as you said.

I’m going to release a video tutorial about automations & scripts this Wednesday can I give you some credits in the video?

Thank you one more time you guys are doing great job with Home Assistant.

I think can_cancel attribute was valid for any script and it was just a means of allowing cancellation of while it was running.

You’re right that now it doesn’t seem like needed anymore, but I was just used to it.

I will try to find out those new attributes myself, thanks for the clarification.

I took a quick look at that part of the code. The can_cancel attribute used to only be present if it was true, which was only the case for scripts that contained a delay or wait.

The new attributes are: mode, max & current. The last two are only present for parallel & queued modes. The same thing goes for automations. (current indicates the total number of currently running or queued up “runs.”)

I have the exact same problem and if I were to migrate to new configuration all rfxtrx-devices end up as switches and sensors. I also have configuration for sensors and lights for instance using includes.

- platform: rfxtrx
      name: oregon_thgr810_1
        - Temperature
        - Humidity


- platform: rfxtrx
  signal_repetitions: 2
      name: nexa_eycr_2300_1

Is it possible to configure devices as lights or senors with the new RFXTRX-configuration or do I have to set up lights from switches and make new template sensors?

Node-RED is a nice way to visually setup automation. The fact that you can watch it work is nice. Wiring up debugs to check outputs. I’ve used both Node-RED and HA automation. For folks newer to HA or those folks trying to do a complex automation Node-RED a great tool to follow what is going on with the automation.

I’m not advocating use of one over the other. Just trying to give some context as to why some may prefer Node-RED. For those that live in YAML and love diving into logs then the HA automation works just fine.

I personally find myself liking Node-RED at the moment due to the ease of debugging automation. Just my take. That and 2 cents will get you… um, pretty much nothing anymore. :slight_smile:

I have the same issue since that update, and don’t understand the answers :frowning:
None of all my sensors and switches work, and rfxtrx is used by 90% of my automations, so it becomes critical !

In configuration.yaml :

  #device: /dev/ttyUSB1  None of the 2 device modes works
  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433XL_DO3382P0-if00-port0
  debug: false

in sensor.yaml for example:

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: true


        name: "Garage"
         - Temperature
         - Humidity

        name: "SdB"
         - Temperature
         - Humidity

Can someone give me what is “wrong” ?

I’ve run the config check to verify 0.113.1 and the validation has failed with out verifying the config at all.

The error log shows the config check was having problems.

Installing build dependencies: started
Installing build dependencies: finished with status ‘done’
Getting requirements to build wheel: started
Getting requirements to build wheel: finished with status ‘done’
Preparing wheel metadata: started
Preparing wheel metadata: finished with status ‘done’
Collecting chardet<4.0,>=2.0
Downloading chardet-3.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (133 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: cffi!=1.11.3,>=1.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from cryptography==2.9.2->homeassistant) (1.14.0)

Any ideas??

Having same issue - no error in logs (even with debug), but HA never finishes loading. I am on Supervised…

I am on core - but not sure that is what matters. I went into config yaml and commented out all integrations and then when to ‘.storage/core.config_entries’ and disabled nearly all integrations there as well. Restarted and confirmed success. One by one (or sometimes two by one) and reenabled integrations until I found the one that hung HA.

Decent thread if you can follow it here - https://discord.com/channels/330944238910963714/551864459891703809/736606977525940254

For me, the issue was onvif integration, there is already ticket:

Once I removed onvif integration HA restarted just fine…

This made me laugh a little bit xD.

Hue Integration was dead for me on first boot after the upgrade as well.
A reboot appears to have fixed it.

Is someone having an issue with gauges drawing?
I found this after upgrade from 0.112.5 to 0.113.1

What error of there? What in that output is causing you concern?

The gauge color indicator if right shifted. When value is low shifting is small. If value to high shifting is high.
Ahhh !!! It only happens in Safari, but Chrome is OK… !

think I missed it in reports here so far: did anyone see this oddly misplaced X in all more-info popups:

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Yes I have that too!

Usually the config check says the update won’t have any problems with the config. It’s not returning that message on the log.

almost feels to small to file an issue for this… but, it is :wink:

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anyone else seeing the old Air Visual error back again:

2020-07-26 23:49:46 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.airvisual] Error fetching 5redacted, 4.redacted data: Error while retrieving data: api_key_expired