0.113: Automations & Scripts, and even more performance!


tenor !

HUGE! shout outs to @frenck and @pnbruckner, I always admire and appreciate your work.

Big thanks to @bdraco , @pvizeli, and @yosilevy

Congratulations??? to @ludeeus, I think :grinning:

Whenever I see "node red’ I run a mile. Not saying either you or I am right. It’s horses for courses.


I’ve never had the need in 3 years of using HA to even try Node-Red, let alone consider it the new default for automations.


Upgrade completed but just sits at “Home Assistant is starting, not everything will be available yet.”

Tried a restart and forcing the upgrade again. Made sure HACS is updated to latest version as well. Have ConBee II removed from PI for other reasons, so safe to ignore those errors.

Logs: https://pastebin.com/nh2LDPJB

Thanks for the info sir.

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I am having issues too. For both my lights and my covers I get the following message: “The rfxtrx platform for the light integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.”

same here! and the zones from hue lost.

I think it depends on your integrations

I have a Arlec fceiling fan that cannot be converted to esphome/tasmota due to using non esp chip and not wanting to use tuya integration which relies on the cloud, there is a tuya-local node that can interact with the fan locally (even after deleting from the tuya app).

Most of my automation is still in HA

So as nick said horses for courses

i have lots of thesein my logbook for Tuya 

urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: (‘Connection aborted.’, RemoteDisconnected(‘Remote end closed connection without response’))

Great update and a lot faster too! Too bad the Siemens Home Connect and Samsung SmartThings integrations via Nabu Casu still don’t work properly. But besides that, good job!

This is mentioned in the release under breaking changes. Rftrx light, switches etc. are now part of the platform. (See Docs)

I have the similar issue. Similar setup to you.

Checked the logs, nothing there.
Checked the the integration.
No entities showing up there either so i cannot do any naming.

Cannot say the doc makes it more clear on how i should migrate from my old config to the new so that it works again. Seem OK from my point of view. =P

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Ok, know it is early (at least here locally), but I read everything 3 times and still cannot find where it is mentioned

Only thing I can find is:


    Configuration of entity name must now be done inside home assistant
    Multiple entities may be generated for a single device
    The events signalled from entity id’s are removed in favor of events from an integration level.
    The events format has changed.

(@elupus - #37742 #37565) (rfxtrx docs)
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@Caine72 @fversteegen

You will find an example here:

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:+1: I don’t disagree that it has its use, moreso that it shouldn’t replace the automations as they are currently as suggested by valantur.

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Thanks will look into it immediately!

In your config you are already in the rfxtrx domain. I integrated my rfxtrx devices in old style.
–> an now I read I also have to transform the configuration to new style :sweat_smile:

So, that shouldn’t work anymore:

  device: /dev/ttyUSB_RFX
  debug: true
  dummy: false

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: true
        name: sleeping room


Due to documentation you should try something like this:

  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433XL_DO332IY6-if00-port0
    071a0000020A0404: # RFY
      name: SĂ M

    071a00030A0909: # RFY
      name: Cuisine

Solves it for me! Thanks @honikos and @makai!!

So what happens if:
Automation A:
Turns on light 1 and light 2 -> delay 10 seconds and turn off.
Automation B:
Turns on light 2 and light 3 -> delay 10 seconds and turn off.
They are both in restart mode.

What if I trigger automation B 5 seconds after A, will light 2 be off after A finished of does B restart the countdown for light 2?

Am still confused
 In the “new style”; how can you define whether a device is a switch, a light, a binary sensor or a sensor?