0.118: removal of iAlarm integration

Start from the simplest configuration: use clear-text username e password. If it works, then it’s not a component problem, so you can move credential to secrets file. In any case I see an error (or a copy & paste problem) because you write “username:! secret” insetad of “username: !secret”. Can be that the error?

Thank you for your answer.
No unfortunately it’s just a copy and paste problem. I also tried with directly written values.
In both ways the “alarm_control_panel” is not available in the entities.
Now I was trying with the “rest_command” command as indicated by you, but in the HA LOGs it gives me a 401 error (authorization). Again I don’t understand where I’m wrong, here is the code I put in configuration.yaml
url: http: //192.168.x.xx/RemoteCtr.htm
method: POST
username: xxxx
password: xxxx
payload: ‘Ctrl = 3 BypassNum = 00 BypassOpt = 0’
url: http: //192.168.x.xx/RemoteCtr.htm
method: POST
username: xxx
password: xxx
payload: ‘Ctrl = 1 BypassNum = 00 BypassOpt = 0’
url: http: //192.168.x.xx/RemoteCtr.htm
method: POST
username: xxxx
password: xxxx
payload: ‘Ctrl = 2 BypassNum = 00 BypassOpt = 0’

The services are created, but when I call them nothing happens and in the LOGs I see error 401 (user and pw however are correct).
Thanks again for your availability

Try username and password directly in the browser, it seems the credential you are using have some problem. try http://192.168.x.xx/ in your browser…

Thanks but it’s weird.
I have checked them many times. In fact, by typing the address on the browser, the page opens correctly and I write the user and password that I have in the yaml code, I access correctly.
I cannot understand where the error is.
Here is the HA log after calling the service

If the password is a number, try use quote in your secret file. This is my secret.yaml:

username_ialarm: xxxxxx
password_ialarm: ‘nnnnnn’

Thank you, that was the problem.
Sometimes you go to think complicated things but the solution is small

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Is a custom component based on the proprietary protocol available yet? I’d like to consider an alternative to web scraping.

I don’t think that anyone has used the TCP protocol in a way that can be integrated in HA yet.

I started a rewrite of node-ialarm months ago but never had the time to map the results.

Also RyuzakiKK is planning to rewrite his python library, and that is a good news:


In next release will be available. See beta release log…