0.85 Breaking Change Warning?

" In order to fix the below bug, default entity_ids will change (for example, sensor.17track_packages_delivered will change to sensor.seventeentrack_packages_delivered) . (@bachya - #19213) (sensor.seventeentrack docs) (breaking change)"

So am I reading this right, if I have a Vera z-wave discovered device for example
it is now going to be
binary_sensor.kitchen_door_one_sixtyfive ?

or does this only apply to the word “17track” ?

Only to the 17track component.

It will however now replace . With _ rather than deleting it.

See here: 0.85: ESPHome, Plum Lightpad, OpenSenseMap

as in
will become

And - is mapped to _ now. The previous slugify implemention did remove the character.

right, I get that a dash is now an underline, but is a period also converted to an underline?

as in
will become

No. The entity name “kitchen_door_1_65” is slugified. “binary_sensor” is the sensor domain and the period is a separator.

excellent, thanks for the clarification