0.90: Remote UI, Streams, User Groups

Yes, here is the report: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/22257

i’ve resolved , the problem was in the configuration.yaml, the breaking change of the:

  • type: legacy_api_password
    ( see the http.api_password - Deprecated - section)

i have removed
api_password: !secret http_password
in the http: section

then upgraded to the new version( 0.90.01)
then reenabled the api password with the new scheme

  - type: homeassistant
  - type: legacy_api_password
    api_password: !secret http_password

Because, according to the first post here, the platform now supports two types of nanoleaf lights (aurora and canvas), and leaving the platform named specifically for only one of them wouldn’t be right.

Nanoleaf - The Nanoleaf component now supports both nanoleaf lights, Aurora and Canvas. As a result of this change the user needs to change the platform from nanoleaf_aurora to nanoleaf

Remote UI is working!
Just can not figure out how to send a picture from camera (which is saved in “tmp” folder) to myself. Using this script to send it I do not know how to write a direction. Need help (should I create new topic?)

    service: notify.ios_iphone
      message: "Something happened at home!"
          url: "...../config/tmp/main_cam_18-11_22-03.jpg"
          content-type: png
          hide-thumbnail: false

You’re free to fork the project and only merge updates from core every month or two to maintain your own release schedule.

Seems to work unstable. Can not connect now

Very odd, if it still doesn’t work in 90.1 then I’d be tempted to roll back to 89.2 and see if that fixes it.

I’m still getting errors for a Netatmo climate device that doesn’t exist in 90.1, I only have a Netatmo camera, so I think I’ll have to try an do a bug report thing on github.

You will also need to remove any of your customizations that use the custom_ui functionality. i had a bunch of “extra_data_template:” and “template:” lines that i needed to remove.

and with the availability of all the custom cards/components i found that i didn’t even need the custom_ui functionality at all anymore.

Thanks, I’ve already tried this yesterday, but with no success.

At the end I used a very strong way, removing all the Hassio (and addons) docker containers and reinstalling Hassio on Ubuntu Server 18.10 in docker, from scratch.

Then I restore a snapshot from two days ago and all seems to work.

I was having issue on Settings page since I was using custom_ui and thanks to @123 I just removed all reference to custom_ui from configuration.yaml and all is working now.

Netatmo thermostat it’s working for me and it’s better than before with one exception.

Have you checked the new parameters needed and the old that were removed?

Before I was able to give my specific name to my thermostat, now I was not able and so it changed the name.

The things that it does not work for me is this

Now the state can have this values:


heat never appears as state !!!

Meaning that when, for example, is in auto mode and idle it can be ok to have auto as state, but when is auto and it’s heating I would expect to have heat as value.

Am I wrong? If yes, why there is the heat value in the operation list that seems to be never used?


if only I knew :slight_smile:

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I’m trying tthe new camera.play_stream but the only thing i see on cast it’s the starting of the stream and cast icon… no video… on hassio page i can see everything perfectly… the new player showing video stream. Any tips to have this working on cast?

Well here’s the wierd thing, I don’t have a Netatmo termostat, yet HA seems to think I do! I only have a Netatmo camera. Here’s the error I’m getting:

Netatmo error:

2019-03-22 15:47:47 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Error while setting up platform netatmo Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 128, in _async_setup_platform SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT, loop=hass.loop) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.py", line 416, in wait_for return fut.result() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 57, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/netatmo/climate.py", line 87, in setup_platform homes = home_data.get_home_names() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/netatmo/climate.py", line 301, in get_home_names self.setup() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/netatmo/climate.py", line 315, in setup self.home_id = self.homedata.gethomeId(self.home) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/smart_home/Thermostat.py", line 84, in gethomeId home = self.default_home AttributeError: 'HomeData' object has no attribute 'default_home'

Notice the /netatmo/climate.py part, yet I’ve checked my YAML against the Netatmo camera component here:

Here’s my YAML relating to the camera:

  api_key: !secret netatmo_id
  secret_key: !secret netatmo_secret
  username: !secret netatmo_username
  password: !secret netatmo_password

- platform: netatmo
  home: !secret netatmo_home
    - front_door

Very odd, maybe there’s something I’ve done wrong, but I didn’t get this error in 0.89.x!

EDIT Done the bug form filling in thing on github, hopefully this helps :slight_smile:

Try to cast the stream again, sometimes the first stream may not be stable but a subsequent stream may be more stable. Also depending on your HA hardware you may want to try lowering image quality to see if that helps stability.

Do you have anything under climate: ?

I forked the repo and removed the line that adds the menu item to config and it’s working for me now. Feel free to grab the .html files from here if want to keep custom_ui: https://github.com/rccoleman/home-assistant-custom-ui

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I do have a honeywell thermostat, here’s my climate YAML

  platform: honeywell
  username: !secret heat_username
  password: !secret heat_password
  region: eu


It’s working now, I’ve copied all the files that were changed today and uncommented the lines related to custom_ui

Excellent, glad to hear that it’s working. It took a hell of a lot of work getting the whole environment set up to comment out a single line :slight_smile:

Really strange!

any indentation issue?

Are the climate platform and netatmo platform near each other in the configuration.yaml ?

I’m just thinking of something weird, since it’s really strange!